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Skye's POV

After me and daddy made mommy breakfast in bed we went wake my brothers up. "Come on daddy lets go" I say to my daddy and take his hand to drag him out of his room I take daddy to my brothers room and wake them up by jumping on their beds. I was jumping on Alexander's bed when suddenly I'm pulled down onto the bed with a squeal "Zander" his only reply is to laugh.

"Its not funny Zander you gave me a fright I want daddy" I say nearly crying "aww come here princess daddy's got you" daddy says picking me up I immediately go and snuggle up against his neck sniffling when zander see's he upset me he gets out of bed and comes over to me to say sorry "aww I'm sorry Skye I didn't mean to scare you" he says while looking at me over daddy's shoulder.

"Its ok Zander come on we have to go wake everybody else up" I say trying to get out of daddy's arms "ok come on princess lets go wake the rest of your brothers up then we will go downstairs and have breakfast" daddy says putting me down on the floor and taking my hand and walking to the rest of my brothers rooms where we wake them up.

We go downstairs after we wake up the rest of my brothers for breakfast. I'm the first one to walk into the kitchen and I see a lot of people sitting at the big table I see the man that I got peperoni pizza off last night so I walk over to him and say "hello Mr. pepperoni" with a giggle. He just looks at me daddy and all my brothers walk in with mommy so I run over to them and daddy picks me up and says "come on princess lets go get some breakfast in that tummy of yours" and starts tickling me while I laugh and squeal.

After we had breakfast daddy said that we are going to go to the park. So mommy brought me upstairs to my room and dressed me in a pink princess dress and she did my hair in braids. When mommy was done getting me dressed she brought me back downstairs where daddy and my brothers are. When daddy seen me he smiled real big and picked me up and twirled twirled me around while I laugh.

**Skip to the park**

When we got to the park daddy took me out of the car and told me to go play but to be careful so I ran over to the swings and started to swing but I couldn't go high enough so I called Zander to come over and push me "Zander come push me" he comes over to push me but it wasn't going high enough so I called out to him while giggling "higher zander higher" mommy must of seen that I was going to high so she called out to zander "Alexander be careful she will fall" "ok ma" says zander but if was to late I lost my grip on the swings and I was falling while calling out to zander "zander help me".

But before I could hit the floor I was in someone's arms I didn't know who it was because when I looked up I seen a boy who was about twelve or thirteen looking at me so I called out for my daddy "daddy" he comes over to me and takes me out of the boys arms saying "its ok princess daddy's got you" while holding me to his chest while I was crying because I got a fright. When I look back over to the boy he is just standing there looking at me with a look on his face.

I wanted to say thank you to him so I wiggle out of daddy's arms and walk over to the boy who saved me and gave him a hug and said "thank you for saving me" he just looks down at me in shock and something else that I don't know but he gives me a hug and says "its ok" after that I walk back over to daddy and put my hands up for him to pick me up which he does then we start walking out of the park so I look over daddy's shoulder and see the boy still standing there looking at me so I smile at him and wave which he does back.

**Skip to back home**

When we get home mommy says that its time for dinner so while mommy goes and makes the dinner daddy goes to his office with me still in his arms and sits down on his chair and takes out his laptop and starts working with one hand while the other one rubs my back while I rest my head on his shoulder getting tired so I tell him "me tired daddy" he just says "its ok princess have a nap daddy's right here" so that's hat I do I close my eyes and go to sleep on daddy's shoulder with him working with one hand and the other one rubbing my back.

**Skip to dinner**

After my nap daddy said it was time for dinner so we went into the kitchen where everyone else was including Mr .Pepperoni during dinner I sit on daddy's lap while mommy sits on his left side because me and daddy were at the top of the table.

After dinner I was still tired so daddy brought me up to my princess room were I got into my princess night dress and brushed my teeth. Then I went to sleep with daddy saying goodnight and giving me a kiss on my forehead.


I'm thinking of making this a werewolf / mafia story because these are my favourite type of books and id like a book with the both of them together. So comment whether you want it to be one or not please.

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