Chapter 4

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Skye's POV

The next morning I got up went down stairs greeted my family with " hey guys" in response I got " hey skye"  I had my breakfast the went up stairs and got ready for school and left yelling " bye guys" in response I got " bye sweetie" off my mom because my dad and sister probably already left. I was walking down the street when I saw that man that I bumped into yesterday on my way home from school he was with a woman and five other boys so me being me I walked up to him and said " hello" in response all of them looked like they saw a ghost except for the man I bumped into yesterday he just needed down in front of me and said " hey princess where are you walking to all by yourself?" My reply is " I'm going to school sir" " where is your school" he asks " my school is around that corner" i say and point to the corner you turn to go to my school. Next to speak is me " well it was nice seeing you again sir but i have to go if I don't want to be late for school" " ok princess bye have a good day in school" my response is " bye sir I will try" with that said I walk off and wave over my shoulder to them.

School was boring today we did nothing after school I was on my way home  when a black van pulls up in front of me and then these two men get out of the van and grab me and pull me into the van before I can scream a hand is put over my mouth and a needle is put into my neck the I start to feel sleepy.

Antonio's POV

When skye walked off my wife turned to me with tears in her eyes and said " it's her" after she said that I embraced her in a hug " it's ok baby we'll get her back" " promise" " I promise" after that we go back to the hotel and start planning how to get my daughter back we come up with a plan to get her after school three men will be in a black van pull up on the street take her and inject her with something to make her sleep then then we will all fly back on our private jet to Italy.

They came with my daughter and we went straight to the airport and got on our private jet and were on our way to Italy right now when I go to the bedroom on the jet where my daughter is asleep I go into the room she is sleeping peacefully I quietly walk up to her and sit on the bed next to her and brush a piece of her out of her face and say " daddy loves you princess" she stirs in her sleep and her eyes open a little bit and she whispers " daddy is that you" I say " it's ok princess I'm right here" "daddy can you sleep with me" she asks and I get into the bed with her and pull her into my chest and whisper to her " it's ok princess daddy's here daddy's here" " I love you daddy" she whispers " I love you to princess go back to sleep" in reply I get " ok daddy" and she goes back to sleep and I stay with her for the night and soon fall asleep.

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