Chapter 6

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Skye's POV

After me and daddy talked we went looking for mommy with my brothers with my head still in daddy's neck and me yawning daddy chuckles and asks
"Are you ready to meet your mommy" I just nod my head that still on daddy's shoulder and daddy keeps on walking then we get to the stairs and daddy starts to walk down them they are really long so when we are finished.
Walking down the stairs we walk for a bit more before coming to the door and standing outside and the smell that I get makes me move so fast that I almost hit daddy everyone cycles and Ander asks "are you ok" I don't answer him instead I jump out of daddy's arms and into the room shouting " PIZZZZZAA" I look around the room and notice that there are a lot of big me staring at me so I do the first thing that comes to mind.
I wave at all of them the walk I've to one of the people at the able and check his plate for pepperoni and when I don't find any on his plate I walk around inspecting every plate until I fund pepperoni until I find some and when I look up I notice everyone is staring at me and daddy and my brothers didn't come in yet so when I find the pepperoni pizza it's on the plates of the biggest man here so I just walk up to him and say
"Hi can I have your pizza please mister" he looks down at me and says "no" so I say "ok I'm gonna get my daddy" he just says "who's your daddy" my reply is screaming "DADDDYY" next thing you now my daddy and my brothers are running in daddy runs over to me and picks me up and asks "what's wrong princess"
I look at daddy at point to the big man and say "he won't share the pepperoni pizza and I asked nicely I even said please" and pout.
Daddy looks at the man before the big man gives my daddy the plate of pizza I instantly smile and kiss their cheeks and say "thank you daddy , thank you mister" the just nods while daddy kisses my cheeck and says "your welcome" and smile then Romeo comes over and tries to take one of my slices so I slap his hand away and glare and him and he pouts and asks "why" I simply reply " because it's my pizza get your own roe okay"
He just nods his head and I smile and give him a kiss on the cheeck and he gets a bug huge smile on his face then I turn and look at daddy and ask "daddy where's mommy they're all men" I say gesturing to the table behind me some chuckle at that the a woman walks in from a door and tries to kiss daddy on the cheeck key word trying erode she kisses his cheeck I turn his head out of the way and look and daddy and kiss his cheeck the look back at the woman and she is smiling ant me and I say "no that my daddy not yours" with a glare.
At the word daddy her grin got bigger then daddy says "princess be nice to your mommy" in a playful the I turn and look at her then I say "I like you mommy your pretty" the she just chuckles and kisses my cheeck then I smile at her and put my head in daddy's neck and say "daddy I'm sleepy" daddy just chuckles and says "ok princess let's get you to bed then I ask "daddy can I sleep in your bed with you and mommy" he just kisses my head and says "of course you can princess" and then after that I just snuggle into his neck and fall asleep.

Authors note:  Hey my lovelies my next chapter probably won't be for a while but when it is it's gonna be about Skye's dad when she went asleep and on thank you my lovelies 😁😁❤️❤️.

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