Tragic consequence

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Jamie froze in fear and surprise at this sudden outburst, a great happiness started to fill my heart, Luna weakly opened her eyes and started to smile; a genunine one. A policewoman was standing holding a gun firmly in the direction of Jamie's head, Natalie began to awake at the voice and she too smiled. Rain began to fall, droplets hanging off Jamie's head his eyes widened in surprise.


Jamie dropped the knife and placed his hands on his head, his guards were shackled in the back of the policecars behind the officer, I realised there were many cars surrounding the area with loads of other officers holding guns directed at Jamie.

I smiled as the blonde girl from the desk ran out of a car holding her coat over her head, she ran to me and a tear fell from her eye.

My plan had worked.

"I got help like you said...said on the note..."


My skin felt numb and my teeth started chattering as she took out a pocket knife and cut at the ropes, once she had done me she moved on to Luna and Natalie. Jamie started to struggle as the officer dragged him away, his firece wild eyes looked upon me in hatred as the cheque that was firmly in his hand floated to the mossy ground and began to sodden.


His words were cut off as the officer slammed the door on him and locked it, he shook the car angerily and I could faintly hear him cursing. Luna fell from the tree and landed on her knees, she started to cry as the pain came flooding back into her body I sprinted towards her and held her to my chest, embracing her and never letting go. The rain went on heavily and I took my leather jacket off and placed it around her shoulders, the fire that was blazing had been put out and the area was in a thick darkness. Slithers of light were seen through the trees by torches, and red and blue flashing. Natalie fell to the floor next and she was taken care of by a paramedic. She were dazed by the whole ordeal, I looked down at Luna's damaged form blood seeping through her shirt, her skin white as a ghost she even had bags under her eyes.

"Hello? Son?"

A male paramedic came towards me and kneeled down, i protectively held her away from him.

"She needs our help son..will you give her to me...?"

I looked down towards Luna and she nodded sadly. I helped her onto her feet and cast an arm around my shoulder, she slumped onto me and I helped her towards an ambulance.

"Everything's going to be okay...I promise..." I vowed as we walked.


We both turned round to see Chris struggling with two burly officers, he held a handgun in his hand and he was waving it around like a madman, trying to prize them off of him. In one moment he glared at me and Luna, it was like in slow motion an officer moved to the side creating a hole in which Chris pointed the gun directly at Luna.

I heard the shot go off and the bullet whizzing towards her, her eyes widening, her breaths restricting, those hands going up to protect herself. In that one moment my only thought was of saving Luna's life, I could see the huge glinting bullet and the malice, smile in Chris's eyes. I jumped in front of Luna's body, I fell to the damp ground, felt the iciness of the rain, splinters off firewood and a throbbing pain in my chest.

I heard screaming, the trees and sky above me wavering. My arms were splayed around me, I felt my life slowly trickle away as the sharpness of the enviroment began to fade.


Luna were above me screaming and crying, she pulled me into her arms.


I saw dozens of eyes fix on my dying body, they didn't move they were stood there in horror and that was when I knew. I was to die here tonight.


She looked down upon me tears falling and sliding down my features, her ocean eyes with seaweed strewn in them. Those waves casading down her slim shoulders, her perfect face faced towards me scrunched up in pain.

"D...don't cry..., I reached up weakly and brushed a strand from her face, winching from the pain, know that day when I first met you?"

She nodded crying.

" ...I...I...thought you were an angel...I thought you wouldn't love're the one Luna...I know you know I've learnt something from life..-"

"Don't talk like your going to die, we're going to get help!" She exclaimed.

"Let me...let me...finish....I've learnt that life is just the beggining and can end but love starts in an moment and lasts for eternity...I love you Luna...I always will....shine on my angel...brighten life like you have brightened mine..." I choked on blood.

She embraced me, I felt so sad that my life had to end this way i had imagined growing old with Luna little grandchildren playing around our ankles. In a way this was our last scene, the last script.

"Is this truely the end my love?"

"No my angel it is only the day we shall be one again..."

We both kissed, it was lingering and slow as we never wanted to say goodbye to each other. We were as one, I tasted salty tears and desperation in Luna's kiss. She held me tightly and the rain poured from the heavens above, I felt Luna's soul and she felt mine I felt her love and agony, felt her sadness and anger I touched her beautiful mind and saw vibrant colours. When we both pulled away she embraced me again, looking into my eyes.

"I'm here Jake...I'm here." She whispered, her throat hoarse.

The sharp pricks of rain began to soften, the pain in my chest began to numb, the grass beneath me began to disappear. A great warmth began to envelope me, a huge yellow light shone upon my body from the twinkling stars above. I gasped.

My parents smiled at me and opened their arms welcoming me.

"It's okay son we're here too...just let go..." My father said softly.

My mother looked towards Luna and smiled.

"You shall see her again Jake...but it's your time now..."

I looked up at Luna whom was crying over me, we were still looking into each other's eyes and my parent's floated above us smiling.

"Let go.."

"Goodbye my angel..."

I touched Luna's cheek softly and let myself stare into those ocean depths, it were the last thing I ever saw as I faded to black.

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