Hidden woes

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I stood up and sat beside her shocked by her facial image. What sick person would do this? I knew she'd probably lie about it, i've seen and heard it all before it happened to my sister until I gave them a punch in the jaw.

"What happened Luna?" I asked gently.

She hid her face away from me. Not wanting me to see her damage. She was ashamed. Ashamed I'd think differently about her.


I gently tilted her head towards me, making her look into my eyes.

" Please. I'll understand."

We stayed there for a few minutes silently looking into each other's eyes, I could tell she was thinking about how to explain it. How to explain everything. Probably wondering why I kept staring at her in this fashion. I didn't want to look away. Ever.

"...it's...it's..." She looked away as a tear fell down her features. "Can we avoid the diner tonight?" She sobbed.

Without thinking I embraced her, inhaling her sweet smell of lilies and blossom and felt her soft hair against my cheek. She buried her face into my shoulder crying her heart out.

"What happened Luna?" I said softly.

"My ex...ex boy...boyfriend Chris saw me with you...he verbally abus...abused me I ran because he was scaring me...I...I tripped and fell...and he picked me up and...and...punched me in the eye...he..he... pushed me to the ground and made me...made me...."

She grasped me close to her and held me tightly.

"He said...said...I were a slut....a slut...said I only be...be...long to him nobody else....after he finished with me he...he..., she cried hysterically making people on the bus whisper, he...just walked off...I ran to my home without stopping...never looking back...I didn't want to...didn't want to....dad didn't believe me...I don't know why but you make me feel so safe....after not even a day...."

"How do I make you safe?"

She looked up at me. Her eyes twinkling like stars.


The bus halted making us jump and ruining the moment. We leapt from one another as the bus drew outside the diner.

"Please don't make me go in there." She whispered and wrapped her arms round herself.

"I won't, we'll wait for the next stop...where is the next stop?"

She smiled slightly sadly to herself.

"Marigold fields. My mum and I used to go there all the time, she said she felt inspired by the colours of the enviroment, she said it was that very thing that made her want to be a writer, I looked at her smiling kindly, she used to write scripts and send them off to the west end. I loved her scenes and creativity...I...I.. used to act them out with her."

"What was your mother's name?"

She gazed at me, her face brightening up as we moved from that grim and destressing conversation.

"Janet Marie Marigold."

I gasped.

"Is she the same woman who wrote that play, one summers night and oh that other play called...Marigold field?"

"How did you know?, her eyes sparkled with tears, how? She wouldn't let me read Marigold Field...said it was a surprise she was going to take me to a west end show to see it but father...." She gulped. I took it that she didn't want to continue that sentence. "I heard there was a terrible accident on stage because of her script..."

I froze. My heart pounding within my chest.

"...what...what was the accident?...."

"Three actors were acting a scene where they had to do a stunt, they had to act like they were flying, like birds over everything...many people were dancing underneath them. The chains holding them for some reason were slipping, the dancers were holding huge skewers that were susposed to symbolize flowers or something. The elder actors saw what was happening reached over grabbed the younger actor, unbuckled him and threw him to safety on this mat as they fell... sadly they...they...fell and-"

She stopped as she saw tears sliding down my face.

"They got skewered." I sobbed.

"How do you know?"

"I was the younger actor."

She gasped. I couldn't imagine how it would feel for her. It was her mother who wrote my parent's downfall. My parents' deaths'. She looked at me shocked.

"You must hate me." She whispered.

The bus halted yet again ruining the moment. I looked out of the dirty dusty window at the most beautiful thing (apart from Luna) in the world. The land was just orange, you couldn't see any blade of grass amid the colour chaos. I could see why it was so inspirational. It was magical. Fresh. Alive. I looked to Luna and took her hand firmly in mine. We stood up and exited the bus after I thanked the driver, the sun was still sliding down sleepily in the sky. The sky was blood red with wispy clouds still floating overhead...it was so beautiful.

Just like Luna.

I lead her to the middle of the field.

"I don't hate you...more opposite that..."

She looked at me curiously.

"What do you feel?"

I stepped forward and kissed her.

It was the most amazing and craziest thing that had ever happened to me, i couldn't get enough. Her lips soft and peachy, I could taste ripe fruit on them. I kissed gently at first...until she kissed back. I could feel her soul, feel her against my body, feel our hearts becoming one. Everything around us didn't matter in that moment, we only cared about the other person. I grasped her closer to me, my head beginning to feel light, i opened my eyes for a second but all i saw was a blur of colour. I closed them again, she entwined her thin slender fingers in my rough brown hair and kissed harder. i never wanted to let go. Ever. In that moment I wasn't a boy who had lost his parents. She wasn't the girl who had been abused by her ex-boyfriend.

We were a boy and a girl deeply in love.

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