Alpine Woods

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I rubgy tackled Chris into the back seat of my Auntie's car and locked the doors, he screeched from inside banging the windows and making the car shake. Condensation misted over the windows as Chris began to write a message on one nearest to me.

You are a dickhead.

I shook my head angerly and unlocked just the front doors so I could clamber in the driver's seat.

"Why did you just kidnap me you physco!" He screeched.

"Stop wimpering, who's the bloody baby now. Now you will lead me to where they are! Understand?" I held up the rifle threatenenly, making his eyes widen in surprise.

"Dude! Your crazy!"

" Crazy in love!"

I started the car furiously, Chris sat back down in his seat shaking with new found fear. Now he knows how the girls' feel; lost and alone with a bunch of pyschopaths doing god knows what to them. I sped over a red light frantically, I held a cheque in my hand. The lady decided to write it out for us as it was too  much money to be carrying around, the cheque still felt a heavy weight in my hand. A heavy burden to simply hold in one's hand.

"Now...Chris...where exactly are they again?" I ordered.

"In Alpine woods, just near Marigold fields."

I froze again. My heart hurt in agony.

He was one evil bastard.

He had clearly planned this for some time, spied on me, lied to me, killed my parents and kidnapped my one true love and sister; and for what? Some stupid money over his pure bloodied family? He was sick in head and in heart. And to think that i once adored him, looked up to him. I shook my head. As we approached the country lanes I turned back towards Chris.

"I hate your fucking guts...but thanks."

Chris smirked and crossed his arms.

"I can just smell that money now..." He mocked.

I just shook away my slowly rising anger and concentrated on the road, focusing on the two streams of light illuminating it. Chris just chuckled and placed his feet on the back of my seat, he crossed his arms behind his head smiling like the cheshire cat.

"That girl digged me in the bank."

I ignored him.

"Yeah she was looking at me, checking me checking her out. God she has wonderful eyes that bird has and a nice fine ass too."

I ignored him. He was clearly trying to make me angry, taunting me with his cruel thoughts.

"You know she reminds me of someone; that someone has a fine ass aswell, but the difference is the blonde isn't a bitch like Luna is!" He laughed.

Chris hit his head on the back of my seat as the car screeched to a stop, I turned round towards him anger in my heart.


"Don't get yah knickers in a twist!" He snorted.

"I swear Chris I will shoot you and make sure you don't get back up if you say it again."

Chris just rolled his eyes and slumped more in his seat.

"Get your damn sneakers off my seat aswell." I ordered.

Chris rolled his eyes yet again and took his sneakers off my seat, heeding my warning about the rifle. I started the car and started to drive again down the dark country lane, a bunch of  questions suddenly sparked to mind. How did he find me? How did he get to where I was? How was Luna? How was Natalie? They musn't be in any danger as I have the cheque then it hit me...I had only twenty minutes to get to Alpine woods....

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Hey Chris how did you find me anyways?"

"Followed you, spied on you the whole she-bang....why?"

"No reason; stalker."


"This is the place." Exclaimed Chris rubbing his hands together.

I drew up outside a thick set of woodlands, the trees outlined like skeletons with crookied fingers and stretching limbs. The autmmn leaves carpeted the floor olives, browns, reds and oranges littering everything green. I gazed up at the sky but found nothing, no star twinkling like a jewel...just nothing. Except a huge full moon grinning grosquetely in the darkness, as I stepped out the car the ground crunched below me like brittle bones. The two headlights shone a path slicing the grim forestry apart revealing a worn down path running right the way through it, I turned the car off and grabbed Chris firmly by the shoulder.

"Now, you will show me the way."

I threw him towards the entrance of the woods.

"I'll need some light?" He said smirking.

I unlocked the boot and rummaged through it looking for a flashlight, my hand clasped around the hilt and I threw it at Chris who gasped as it hit his head. He rubbed the now red mark on his forehead angerily and picked up the flashlight from the ground.

"That good enough for you?" I grinned and shoved him once again towards the opening.

He just scowled and started striding through the forest lighting the way, the forest echoed of haunted souls and a degree of gothic beauty that made me smile a little through the burning emptiness in my heart.

Hold on Luna; my love.

I'm coming.

I loaded the rifle nervously holding it firmly in my hands, my bullets were kept inside my jeans pockets and I looked around at the beautiful forestry taking in my surroundings. I felt like a predator stalking it's prey, the impact of my surroundings made me feel animalistic and reborn, refreshed.

Dear Uncle Jamie, be prepared.

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