Unknown Fates

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The woods were sinister the wind's howling laughter wrapping around my senses, it laughed at my shaking form, my clench on the rifle and how quiet i moved even though Un...that monster would have probably known I was near. My ears picked up any rustle of the bushes, the heartbeat of an animal hiding underneath the undergrowth, my heart quickened as we got nearer to an unknown fate. Mankind have always feared the unknown, I understood now that fear of walking blind into enemy terrority. I hugged myself and stared intently at Chris, he turned back to face me and studied me with a smug smile.I wanted to rip his face off, what had i done to him? Loving Luna is just something like fate to me, it wasn't our fault.

An orange glow amid some trees met my eyes and made me squint a little, smoke was rising from within the clearing.

"We're here."

Chris lead me to the source of the glow and there I was met with a roaring mass of flame, embers swirled in the air, dancing.

"Dear nephew, I knew you would come."

I span round rapidly, Jamie was striding towards me accompanied by two burly men holding machine guns tightly, Chris willingly joined them I wanted to laugh as Chris looked odd and not so muscly standing next to the guards. Jamie stopped about a metre away from me and grinned with those yellowing teeth of his, he held out his hand waiting.

"Give me the cheque."

"Not until I've got my sister and Luna beside me." I replied.

Jamie just sighed and grinned yet again, he gestured with his hand at someone. A guard came from the shadows dragging my bound girls towards me. Their eyes widened at my presence, they were mumbling something from within the cloth around their mouths but I couldn't make it out.  

"Now the cheque or they die."

I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes in shame and handed him the cheque. Jamie inhaled calmly and happily, he had power in his hand. He walked towards me and grasped the front of my shirt hoisting me up into the air.

"This is where we have a little fun!" he exclaimed.

"WE HAD A DEAL!" I shouted in panic.

"That was when you had the cheque, now that I have it I can do anything I want to you...to you all."


The rope cut into my skin making me cry out, blood trickled down my weakened form, Luna and Natalie were roped to a tree aswell but they were facing the trunk their backs scarred and sore. i tried to struggle free of my bonds, but I could only watch in terror as the guards approched them with whips.

"Please let them go! Hurt me! Not them!" I shouted but it didn't make any differance.

They slashed into into their bodies making them cry out in pain, I started to cry when I saw my terror mirrored in their eyes. Jamie just stood there smoking a fag taking in this disgusting display, I shook in anger as he just smiled and ordered them to continue. My sister's hair were more of a blood red...I doubted it were the dye, cuts and bruises were patchy on her skin. Luna's hair was beraggled, her lip plump and bloody.

"STOP YOU DICKHEADS!" screamed Natalie kicked out making a guard fall to the floor.

Luna started to thrash aswell, the guard tortuing her started to whisper gruffly in her ear but didn't get to finish as she headbutted him. The guard clutched at his nose wailing in pain, Natalie started cheering but tht look of joy was misplaced when Jamie hit her over the head with the butt of a machine gun. Luna started to scream as natalie slumped onto the tree, she gazed at me with those eyes.

"I...I...I tr...tried...."

She slumped tired onto the tree along with Natalie, those chocolate locks falling arcross her face.


Jamie strode towards me and grasped my hair in a firm grip, he looked furiously into my eyes.

"You look so much like him you know...so much like your blasted father!" He spat.

I looked at him confused. What about my father?

"What are you on about Jamie?" I choked.

He let go of my hair and took a step back taking in my features, taking in my situation.

"Your father was always the well off one, the talented; musicalically professional and when I asked him for a little cash he just shouted no! He took my true love off me never will I forgive that little rat!"

"OI DONT SAY THAT....and thats probably why you gave Chris a job? What true love?"

Jamie grinned sadsitically.

"Your mother was my love, your father took her away from me and now years after his death I will take my revenge..."

He turned slowly to Luna's form and my heart was in my throat, he slowly took out a sharp kitchen knife from the depths of his front pockets. If I didn't think of something Luna would be murdered before my very eyes.

"...She looks so much like your mother at that age...so much..., he licked his cruel lips silently, she took and mangled my heart...now I will mangle hers..."

He grabbed her chin and roughly made her limp form look at him, those blue eyes with the devil's reflection holding aloft the knife. Jamie took the knife and slashed  into Luna's cheek, she started screaming in pain, her life essence pouring over her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, mascara smudged around those little eyes.

"STOP! STOP!" She screamed thrashing as he cut into her again and again.


Luna's mouth was full of blood, her beautiful features now shrouded in red. A river of thick blood trailed down her arms; staining her clothing and dampening her hair. I wished that I could help her but I bound in a prison being forced to watch Luna slowly wither and die; that was the worst tortue of all. I looked towards Natalie still unconsious, I felt their pain in my heart, my grief that I could not help. I started weeping uncontrollably seeing Luna in that state, my luna.

"Jamie this is about us...not her!" I cried.

The monster was still there with bloodied hands and knife smiling sickly at his handiwork, he looked towards me, straight into my eyes. His eyes bloodshot and crazy even the guards took back, Chris was nowhere to be seen which I found rather odd. My heart pounded rapidly, my mind screeching in agony at the images I were forced to witness.

"She is everything to do with this..."


He lifted up the knife at the right angle to penetrate her heart, Luna looked ready to give up her fight she slumped against the tree and looked at me. A smile, a kind one directed at me. One single tear fell from her eye, i gazed into her azure depths remembering the first time we met, how we fell in love and what happy times we had during these nearly three days.

"..Good night my Jake....Goodnight..."

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