Angry intentions

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"Your looking happy! and your on time!"

I grinned and sighed happily flopping onto the sofa next to Uncle Jamie. Luna Marigold was my girlfriend. G I R L F R I E N D. I went back to the memory, savouring it, loving every minute knowing it was in my head forever. After we stopped kissing in the middle of the field, we just stood there looking into each other's eyes. She was the one. I was the one for her. Forever and always. I still remember the pure love in her eyes and the gentleness of her touch, she is my angel. We had sat there on that field until it was time to venture back to our families, I remember that goodbye kiss. It still lingering on my lips.

"I am happy, I looked at my watch, and indeed i am on time dear Uncle!" I laughed.

"Oh my little nephew growing up!" he laughed leaning over giving me a nuggie that I tried to get out of.

"You two are so immature!"

My sister Natalie groaned striding into the room from the staircase. She wore a low cut black top with white lace around the collar, she wore tight fitting black skinny jeans and red high heeled ankle boots that made her look taller than she actually was. Her hair was a dark blood red contrasting against the white pallor of her face, black lipstick was applied to her pink lips and eyeliner smudged around her brown eyes. Natalie looked better natural, when she had long blonde locks and no makeup on her perfect features. Since mum and dad died well...she had changed. Changed from girlie girl Natalie to gothy emo Nat.

"Where are you going young lassie?"

Natalie grinned showing her perfect whites.

"Out. Watcha think?" She said cheekily swigging back some vodka and carried on walking.

"Not until you put on some sutiable-"

Natalie slammed the front door violently.

"-clothing. That gal needs to slow down big time, he walked to the staircase and bellowed up the stairs, ALICE WHERE'S NAT GOING AT THIS TIME?"

"I HEARD SHE'S GOING THIS NEW NIGHTCLUB IN TOWN" Aunt Alice bellowed back down.

Uncle Jamie shook his head angerily. He disaproved of Natalie going against him and walking out like she did. I didn't blame him. I stood from the sofa and walked into the small kitchen in the house, looking through the cupboards for something to eat. I came arcross some crunchy tiger bread and placed it on the side, grabbed a bread knife and started to cut it carefully. I got some fresh ham from the fridge and placed it on the side, I buttered the bread and then placed that on.

Dinner was served.

I heard  Uncle Jamie go out of the front door. I sighed. i knew how that would pan out.


I couldn't wait for the morning. Couldn't wait at all. I was up all night waiting for the brilliant dawn. Waiting to see her face again, her glorious radiant face. When the morning finally came I ran down the stairs, Auntie Alice was sat in her armchair asleep her head tilted at an awkward angle. I looked at the coat hanger near the front door, Uncle Jamie's coat wasn't there. I felt worry surging through my body, I walked over to my auntie and pulled up the blanket further up her sleeping form.


I walked onto the school bus, my heart in my throat when I saw her seated near the back, waving at me. I walked happily and sat by her side taking in her beautiful bodily features, long slim white legs under a green flowing dress that contrasted against her dark locks and dreamy eyes.

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