Lost souls

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I was frozen on that corridor, horror filling my senses that voice I knew too well, I felt like crying at this new found deciete. I trusted them! I collasped against a locker, grasping the bolt on it to keep me aloft. It was too much, all of this. This information I just couldn't consume, couldn't swallow, couldn't put away into my brain.

"Uncle Jamie. How could you?"

"It was pretty easy to do."

I heard girls' screaming in the background, sobbing their hearts out. HELP US HELP US over and over again, then suddenly muffled out.

"What do you want!" I shouted down the phone. "I trusted you!"

"I want all of your money. Your father wouldn't give me some of it, he was so rich and yet he wouldn't help me get out of that dang farm...so I did what I needed to do...I killed them...but you and your dear sister are in the way of that..."

I screamed down the phone, tears filling my eyes. I was choking in a smothering sadness.


"Shut up. If you ever want to see your little girlfriend and sister alive again. Meet us at Alpine woods with a cheque of all of your money. Go on my dear go plead for your little boyfriend to come rescue you."

I heard Lunas's sobbing before I heard her voice.

"Jake. Listen to me. Do not come, they'll kill us anyway...I love you so much. I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but I want you to know that simple fact."

"Jake...Jake...I'm so scared...get help...they're lunatics...help us...." I heard my sister sob.

" 4 hours Jake. We're waiting."

Then the phoneline went dead. I didn't know what to do, they were out there somewhere so afraid...so alone...with a bunch of lunatics. But Uncle Jamie...how could he?


I raced through the rickety door of my Aunt and Uncle's house crying along the way, thinking of how to do this horrific deed. Do I dishonor my family and give all of their money away or do I leave my sister and soulmate to die? I knew the answer. The choice. I had to save them. As I raced in Aunt Alice was curled up into a ball rocking gently on the plush sofa, whispering to herself, her eyes wide with fear. A whip like mark was branded into her cheek, bruises lined her body and so did scars. Her hair was a mess, branches and vivid green leaves poking out of it. She had bloodied hands and mud underneath her fingernails, she looked up startled as I raced towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Why is this happening? I thought my ending was romantic and full of happiness when in fact it was of loss and pain.

"What happened Alice?" I questioned softly wiping a tear gently from her wound on her cheek.

"He...he came...I tried to run away...but he dragged me back...I tried to get help..."

She sobbed into cupped hands.

"Why is he doing this Aunt? Why?" I sobbed pulling her into an embrace.

"I..I...dont know..but we have to stop him..."

I don't know how long we stayed embracing each other, probably not for long, but it felt as if we had stood there like ancient oak trees. I know I had to go after them, but being there in Aunt Alice's arms made me feel safe and innocent...for a little while longer. Long lost memories swirled around in my head of Uncle Jamie, his laughter, my laughter, his joy, my joy. I thought he was my father figure, but instead he was the monster who murdered my parents...and for that he will pay. I felt my Aunt's shaking form, her terror, I didn't understand at all why humans were so selfish, so bitter and so hurtful. Why were we created at all? If all we do is destroy? Because of us the world is withering away slowly into corruptive nothingness, I thought Uncle Jamie was better than to give in to his inner demons. I was obviously wrong.

I just didn't understand...how had my mother and father wronged him? How could they hurt him so much to make him into this cruel sadisic creature he is now? How?

"I have to do something Alice...please don't hate me for it."


With that Auntie Alice broke away and strode into the kitchen for a couple of moments, I just stood there not knowing what to do. I had never done this before, the cash was sent to a special vault in a city about an hour's drive from this lowly village.

I smiled.

I had a birth right and so did my sister. So why not my sister? She's older, stronger and more persuasive. Maybe Uncle Jamie was evil. He wanted to hurt me. I picked up a thick coat hanging off my single bed, i looked around the room, breathing in the unmistakable odor of pizza and greasy chips. Feeling the soft duvet, the smoothness of my polished desk, seeing the vivid blue walls, the beautiful view of the setting sun, the glorious countryside.


I turned round to see my Aunt holding a huge rifle, in her other hand she carried some ammo. Tears fell down her cheeks as she strode towards me and gave out the weapon.

"I think you'll need this."

"I love you."

I walked out of the room, down the stairs and without knowing it yet...to my doom.

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