Chapter Seven

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We walked up and bunch of stair. Once everyone was up we asked the guards to leave us alone. I asked Four to tell them about the job of guarding the fence. I walked the top of the fence. The memory of leaving hits me like a truck. I walked back not sure if im ready to tell them. “When I was 12 the only person I could trust died. She committed suicide. It was my mother. She jumped off the roof. I wasn’t supost to see her body but I did. You could barely tell it was her. I think it took me about an hour before I real realized I will never talk or see my mother again. I had so much sadness and anger built in me I ran from Dauntless to here. Once I was here I didn’t realize what I was going to. Maybe just sit here or run away. I wanted to leave so badly. A guard saw me and called someone. It must have been my father because in less then a minute I had over forty guards around me pointing guns.” I had to stop. Everyone looked really shocked. I would be too if someone told me the same story.

                I was holding back tears but a couple slipped out. “They thought I had a weapon on me. I did. I had a rope. I was so done with life that I wanted to kill myself.” I stopped again. This is the part of the story no one knows about. I looked at Four and he was fighting back his tears. tfgy“I thought I lost everything. I was going to run into the unknown, find a tree and hang myself. When they asked me if I had anything I said no. I had guards search me and jump me. I had three broken ribs. I was in handcuffs and thrown on the train.

When I saw my father, I knew he has been crying. I wasn’t aloud to speak to anyone for eight months. Not even my father would talk to me. I swear when I first talk to someone I was confused. It took my 3 months to learn how to talk to someone.

                My father always tells me that I was selfish, because I would have left him with no one. At that age, I really didn’t give a fuck. From there on I would always have someone with me. When I was fifthteen Four came along. They knew he would be prefect to watch me. That’s how we became good friends. I had only got my father to respect me a couple days ago when Four pretty much demanded that I help him in training. When I found out we were coming here I was scared. I thought I should share this story with you because it shows you, don’t be stupid like I was.” I finished. I just walked down. I looked at the fence. Four was talking to everyone.

                I still want to run away. I wish I could but I know my father would get me. I heard foot steps coming down and I turned to face them. “No one will say anything.” Four said hugging me. “Don’t kill yourself.” He said. I couldn’t answer because he smashed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around him. “Guys the train.” A meek voice sounded. It was Christina. She looked like she was hit with a car.

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