Chapter Three. (I know, spelling)

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Once everyone has gone I started to run outside. Peter not far behind me. I couldn’t even see the Stiff. I laughed to myself as I started to climb the ladder. Once I was on the platform a bunch of people looked confused. “Your going to jump on the moving train.” I yelled. Peter smiled. I looked at the Stiff and she was worried. I just smiled and ran. Slowly everyone ran with me. I jumped on the train and opened the door. Soon everyone was on and I closed all the door.

“That was crazy. Are you trying to kill us?” This Candor girl screamed. I laughed. “This is the easy part.” She gave me a dirty look. She obviously doesn’t know who I am. “Everyone up.” I screamed. Peter and I opened all the doors and we jumped. I landed perfectly and walked to my father. I saw the Stiff and that Candor girl just make it. I laughed and so did Peter. Everyone gathered around.

“My name is Eric. I’m one of the leaders here and Dauntless.” He yelled. He looked at me. “My name is Taylor. Erics daughter. I’m one of the trainers.” I heard a lot of gasps. “Wait she’s your daughter?” That Candor girl said. “Yes, and here at Dauntless we treat are Trainers and Leaders with respect.” Eric said. “But she cant be older then us.” The girl laughed. I grabbed her shirt and lifted her up. “Respect.” I yelled in her face throwing her on the floor. Eveyrone laughed. “Now who is going to jump first?” I yelled. Everyone backed up.

“Me.” The stiff said. Everyone gave her space and she walked up. She took off her sweater and I grabbed it from her. I didn’t think she would do it but she jumped. I was the first one to cheer. Everyone joined in. Soon everyone was jumping. I was last to jump. Eric grabbed my shoulder. “The Stiff might be the first one to jump but she wont make it far.” “I know.” I said jumping. Four was waiting for everyone at the bottom. He helped me off. “Stiff first one to jump.” He laughed. We lead them to the pit. “I know. Kinda scary.” I laughed. We met Rose.

“My name is Four. I will be train the Faction transfers. Along side Taylor. Rose will be training the Dauntless born.” He yelled. The young Candor girl laughed. “Four like the number. Was One, Two, Three taken?” She smirked. Four went up to her. “Whats your name?” He yelled. “Christina.” She whispered. “Taylor what is the number one rule?” Four asked walk to my side. “Respect your leaders and trainers. Christina, you have disrecpted, Four, the best and most powerful trainer. Eric, one of are Leaders. Also are head Leader, Max right hand man. And me. Eric’s daughter and trainer. Your not off to a good start.” I said She nodded and went to the back of the group.

“Now go to your group.” Four yelled. Everyone went to there groups. Rose took the Dauntless born to their new rooms while we just stood their staring at them. “Arent we going to do anything?” A boy from Erudite asked. “We will show you to your room. I will also be sleeping in there. You will get changed.” I said. They nodded as four and I showed them where to go.

“I will make sure they don’t fight. What are we doing next?” I asked. “Your father would like to see them in the training room. Then we go to the Pit then dinner.” He smiled. I grabbed his hand. He didn’t pull back. There room was just a huge room with cots. The bath room was open. Plus girls and boys share the room. The girls freaked out. “Well this will be fun.” Peter said sitting on a bed. I turned to Four still holding his hand. “They get five minutes.” He said looking at me. “I know.” I smiled. He let go and left. Everyone looking at me. “What?” I yelled. “Looks like love to me.” Christina laughed.

“You get five minutes. Christina you get two.” I smirked. She quickly got ready and within two minutes she was beside me. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I know. But you disrespect anyone again. I swear I will have you out of here.” I threatened. She just nodded. “Nice legs. Take it all off.” Someone said to the Stiff. I hate when guys talk that way about girls. “Come Stiff.” It was Peter. I told Christina to stay and I went up to Peter and smacked him in the face. “In Candor do they talk to women like that.” I yelled. He shook his head. “Do you talk to me like that?” I screamed. “No.” He whispered. “Then why the hell do you think you can talk to any girl like that?” Everyone was looking at us and even Four came in. “I don’t know.” He whispered. “You disrespect a girl like that your gone.” I scream. “You got it.” I yelled. He mumered something. “You got it.” I screamed in his face. “Yes.” He yelled. I walked away to Four.

“Are you ok?” He asked me. I shook my head. “I know.” He said hugging me. I turned around and everyone was ready. I didn’t say anything I just walked out and everyone followed me. When I got to the training room I went up to my dad hugging me. “I hate them already.” He laughed. “Four.” He yelled. Four came up to us. “Now everyone listen up. Tomorrow you start your real training but for now lets see what we have.” Dad yelled. “Four, Taylor fight.” He said. We nodded and went into the ring. We have fought before. I knew he went easy on me. “Give me your all.” I said to him. “Weapons also. Try not to kill each other.” Eric said. Rose moved the weapons table. I smiled. Four grabbed knife. I didn’t grab anything. He laughed. “Go.” Eric yelled. Four came at me but I moved away. He came at me with the knife. I grabbed it taking it out of his hand and threw it at him. Cutting his shirt. He laughed. He came at me again but I moved. He fell onto the ground. I grabbed a couple knifes and threw them at him. I cut his leg. “Ok stop.” Eric yelled. I put the knives down and hugged Four.

“I’m sorry.” I said to him. “I let you win. But I didn’t let you cut me. Nice one.” He said. “Now you will probably never see them fight again. But as you can see, even the closest friends are not affriad shed blood.” Eric said. “Training will start tomorrow. I will not  push you today. Now follow you leaders.” 

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