Chapter Eight

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Once we got back I told everyone that I will be in the training center if they wanted some help. Four had a meeting with my father. It was about the capture the flag game that is happening tomorrow. I waiting in the training room until a boy came. His name was Al. He was at bottom of the list. "Um, so your having training." He whispered. I nodded. "What do you need help with?" I asked. "Hahaha everything." He laughed. "Well, are you ready for hours of training?" I asked. "With you yes, with your boyfriend no."

We spent the whole day fighting. He can now throw I knife at someone. He can take down a medium size person. I was very proud. "Thank you so much Taylor." He said hugging me. "You came along way. So tomorrow your fighting Peter. I want you to use your new strength. Use your new skills. Show everyone your not a wimp." I said sitting down. "Hey Al, why didn't anyone else come?" I asked. A question I have been dying to ask him. "People think you scary. Which you are, but after your told them the story they thought you needed a time out. I thought that I needed help and you were offering so I knew I had to come. I also knew that your stronger then people think you are." HE smiled. "I think if you bet Peter, you will gain so much more respect." I said. Getting my stuff and leaving.

"Thank you." He shouted. I just smiled. I went to my room to take a nice long shower. I got changed into some tight ass clothing and laid down. No sooner there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I shouted. It was Peter. "Hey." I said. He came up to me and hugged me tight. "I didn't know. I knew she died but." He cried. "I know, I didn't really tell anyone." He pulled back, Smashing his lips onto mine. "I hate to be the bringer of bad news but the Stiff didn't want to train with you she asked Four. He told her to train with you but she thinks you will only make her weaker. Needless to say he wasn't happy. He literally stormed out of the room." Peter explained. I was angry. I had to get me revenge. "Call everyone to the training room." I demanded Peter. He smirked and left. I took out my sword. It was my fathers. He told me to use it when I want to show people up. I put it in my belt and walked out. When I went to the training room everyone was there. Dad and Max were watching. Once my father saw my sword he smiled widly.

"Tris, I want you to fight me. If you lose your out and if you win you stay in." I told her. Everyone was shooked. Four came in and asked Peter what was going on. He then ran up to me. "Taylor your fucking crazy." Tris slowly came up to me. Scared for her life. "Grab your weapon." I said. She slowly nodded and grabbed a bow. I took out my sowrd and everypne freaked out.

"How come we never learned how to fight with a sword?" Christina asked. I turned to her and put the sword to her throat. "Swords are for the people high in power. Usally passed down. My father gave this to me." She slowly pushed her hands on the sword to push it back. "Tris, you needed help. I offered. You didn't take it. Instead you went to Four. Now you think you too good for me. I will have to kill you." I Smiled throwing the sword at her. It pinned her to the target. It got her shoulder. I laughed. I wasn't that strong. She was standing near the target. I knew I cut her shoulder. I grabbed the sword down. "I wanted to train with him ecause I know he wants me to stay." He smiled. "How do you know that?" I asked. "Because he invited me tonight to go into his fear landscape." She yelled. "That's bullshit." I said. It cant be true. Its not true. I kept saying to myself. "I hit a nerve. He did. He said that I should be afraid, then he kissed me." With all my strength I threw the sword hitting her in the side.I don't understand why I'm mad. Maybe its because ei have been his friend and he never showed me. I grabbed it and threw it at Four. "Your such a fucking lier. Show this girl that you barely know. Don't sow me your best friend. I screamed. I grabbed the sword and stormed out.

"Taylor" Someone yelled behind me. I turned around to see Four. "It was a stupid desion." He said. "Whatever. Show her your fears. When you wont show me. What is it about her?" I screamed. "I don't feel that way towards her." "Four I'm done." I continued running. Where you may ask? Erudite. Why? Because I'm also an Erudite. I sneak in once and awhile. Or I sit on the roof. I walked in. No one seems to care. I went to the library and grabbed a random book and started reading it. It was about lies. You would think they wouldn't have a book like this. I sat there until dark. I realized I had the sword still. "Excuess me. Dauntless you have to go home." The man asked. "Thank you." I smiled walking out. I wasn't going back home.

I decided I would just chill. I hid in one of the Erudite trucks for the night. My hand on the sword the whole time. I wake up in the morning and jump off the truck. Where was I going to go? Not home. The whole day I decided to hang around everywhere. I ask the Abnegation for some food. Thank god they gave it to me. I decided to go to the fair grounds. Its where the capture the flag game will take place. I hid in one of the towers. I decided it would be fun to watch all my good work. I know I'm going to see the two Stiffs but I can handle it.  


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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