Chapter 4

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After showing them the pit we went to the dinning hall. Four and I sat where we always wit but today a bunch other the new transfers sat with us. “I’m Will.” The Erudite boy said pulling his hand over the table. I shook his hand. “Taylor.” I whispered. I turned to the Stiff. “Whats your name Stiff?” He looked at me, “Tris.” “Nice to meet you. I have a feeling you will need the most training but, I think you are better then a lot of transfers.” I smiled. “Why do you think that?” She asked. “Well your small. You can move around the bigger guys. Plus, I think your braver then everyone here. But that is also a bad thing. Be brave not stupid.” I said. She nodded and went to eating her food.

“Hey Stiff.” I said to Four. He hit my arm. “Really?” He said. “Hey how about when all this is done we go to the roof.” I said to him. He grabbed my hand. “I would love that.” He said. So ever since he first came we have always been good friends. He is two years older then me. But age doesn’t matter to me. We have never been official but we have always been close. Ya I have a crush on him. I don’t know if he likes me in that way.

From the beginning we both agreed we would not see eachother fear landscapes. I’m glad for that because one of my fears is loosing him.  Once a week I check if it’s different. But it hasn’t changed. My father always runs it. I have three fears. Which is one less Four but I don’t tell him how many I have. The first fear is my father. But even that has changed. At first when my mother died it was a fear of loosing him but now its just a fear of him. My next fear is war. Which is crazy because my nick name is War. I love to fight but the fear is that we will  burn down the city. Where would we go? The last fear is Four. Its always the worst. I have to shoot him. I can never do it looking. Or sometimes is him handing off a rail. I try to save him but its no use.

Since I’m divergent from the beginning I have known how to do things in the dauntless way but I forget sometimes. I’m just thankful that my father knows.

“Everyone.” I heard Max’s voice. Everyone queit down and looked at him. “Stand up if you are training to be a dauntless. If you have just chosen.” He yelled. A bunch of people stood. “Taylor, Rose and Four. How do they look this year.” He asked. Rose stood up. “The Dauntless Born looking great Max.” I looked at Four. “Transfers looking weak.” Four yelled. “They need to learn respect.” I shouted.

 My father nodded. “Here at dauntless we are a family. Out of all the factions we act most like a family. Dauntless is a family. Look to your right. That is your brother or sister. Look to your left that is your brother and sister. From today on your only family is us. Now Dauntless show your family the love.” Max yelled. This is when the Dauntless carry out the newbies. Four grabbed my had and we walked right out.

“So, can I ask you a question?” He said as we got to the roof. “Sure.” I smiled. I was so calm on the outside but on the inside Im freaking out. “Would you like to train with me tomorrow? Show them a real fight.” He said. I was hoping it was something else but I nodded. “What wrongs Tay?” He asked. Outing his arm around me. “Nothing.” I said putting my head on his shoulder. “I know somethings wrong. Just tell Me.” He said. “I just think people wont respect me.” He laughed. “I know but they have to.” We both talked up there for hours until we went down stairs. I said good night and went to my room. Everyone was sleeping but the Stiff. Iwent over to her.

“Ok whats wrong?” I asked. She just shook her head. “Dude just tell me because at this moment im your only friend.” I said. “I just don’t feel like I belong here.” She said. I grabbed her hand and took her to the roof. I wanted to give her a relitey check. “See all the factionless?” I asked. She nodded. “most of them are dauntless. You know how I know?” I asked her. “Because you knew them.” She sighed. “NO because they hang around here. They have never left the area. Some of them are Dauntless born that went to a different faction. They didn’t make it or they didn’t like it so they came home. They didn’t belong in the other factions. They should have known that. You made this dision. No one forced you to come to Dauntless. You have to face the music. If you don’t make te cut your most likely to go back to your born faction. But you might hang around here. If I were you and got cut I wouldn’t go home. I would stay here because some of the factionless become training dummies.” I stated. “

“I wont go back. I will make the cut.” She said. “I will help you train but warning. I train hard.” And we walk down. The next morning I woke up and everyone was sleeping. I woke up Peter. I really needed to talk to him. “Taylor, is it time to get up?” He asked in his sleepy voice. “No but we need to talk.” I said. He nodded and got up. He quickly got changed and we left the room. I took him to my actual room. It was on the highest level. Beside Max’s and dad’s. I have everything I would ever want.

                When he walked in he was so surpised. “Dam.” He said sitting on my bed which was a big hammock. “So the small little gym is over there.” I said pointing to the punching bag and target. “Its nice to have the knives in here.” I said getting on the hammock. I fell on top of him and we started laughing.

                “I’m sorry about the other day.” He said wrapping his arms around me. “Me too.” I smiled. “So why are you sleeping down stair when you have a nice bed here?” He asked. “Because I like to watch you guys.” I said looking up at him. He leaned down and kissed me. We both pulled back when we heard the door open. I turned around and saw Four. “He cant be up here.” Is all he said before leaving. I got up and slammed my door.

                “That is the worst thing that could have happened.” I said paceing around. Peter got up and hugged me. “I know you care about him. We can just pretend that never happened.” Peter said. “No I don’t want to forget. You were my first crush ever. Before four came your all I could dream about.” I admitted. “Well, after I make it to Dauntless maybe we could go out.” He said. I smiled and we walked out. I asked Peter to get the others up. I had to find Four.

                If I know him he will be at the Pit. I ran down there and went to where the throwing knives were. There I saw Four hitting th target over and over. Not taking a break. “Just leave.” He said. Turning around. “No.” I stated. I went up to him but he turned away. “Last night I was going to ask you if you wanted to be something more.” He said. I couldn’t stop smiling. “So was I.” I said putting my hands on his shoulders. “But then I saw you kissing that bastard.” He turned around to face me. “Caught up in the moment.” I smiled. “Ya well have fun.” He said walking away. This Is not over. “Tonight I want you to come in my fear landscape with me.” I yelled. “But we promised.” He said. “I don’t give a crap about are promise. Please.” I said. “Ok.” And he walked out. I ran back to where the transfers were and told them we were going for a run. They all sighed and I laughed. We all got some food then went to training. First  on the list, fighting.

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