Chapter Six

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                That night I waited for Four. He came up. “Are you sure?” He asked hugging me. “Positve.” I said. I hooked us up then injected us with the serm. We are first transferred to my room. “Taylor.” Four said. There was a knock on the door. “Where are you?” The voice of my father sounded. He came in. A gun in hand. “You are going to fight me.” He came at me. “My first fear is of my father. I always have to beat him.” Eric came to me with the gun. I grabbed it out of his hand quickly and shot him. Four came to me and hugged me. “I didn’t know you feared your father.” I closed my eyes. When I opened them we were outside. The city was at war. “The second fear. War. I have to run to the edge. I have to leave the city by myself. I’m the only one who will.” I said grabbing Fours hand. We ran to the edge. Shooting everyone in are paths. Once we cross the fence we were back at the pit. I saw two Fours. The real one came up to me. “Taylor whats going on?” He asked. I smiled. A tear falls down. “the worst fear out of all of them is the fear of loosing you.” I smiled. He was shocked. We followed Four to the top of the roof. “I cant save you.” I told Four. “It took me 27 times to finally not help you.” I told him. “It’s the hardest thing.” Tear coming down fast. We watched him jump. I knew Four was beside me.

                We woke up and I was still crying. Four hugged me. “I didn’t know. Its ok. Your ok. I’m right here.” He said. I pulled back. “I have three fears. But it always seems like it just one big one. When ever I do the test I stay up all night. Not because of my father or war. Because of you. Sometimes I watch you sleep. Just so I know your ok. I know it sounds creepy.” I laughed. “Not creppy at all. I under stand now. You will never loose me.” He said taking my hand. “Never. And to prove it.” Is all he said before crashing his lips to mine. This is what I have wanted since we first met. But I wont tell 1him that. We both pulled back.

                “I have wanted to that for awhile but I didn’t know if you felt the same way. Then when Peter came along I thought I lost.” He said. “You will never loose me.” I said going in for another kiss again. Suddenly the door opened. We pulled back. It was a Dauntless guard. “You guys cant be here.” He said coming in. He couldn’t see who it was. “Its Four and Taylor.” I said. He came up and pushed us out. “I don’t care.” “Well you should care because I can have you fired and become a factionless in less then a second.” I warned. He let us go right away. “I’m sorry Taylor. You will not mention this to your dad right?” He asked. “Sure.” I said. We walked out. We went back to Fours place. Once we were in there we started to make out again. That night I fell asleep in Fours arms. That night I realized I have only two fears.

                When I woke up Four was in the shower. I smiled to my self and got up. “Four can I borrow a shirt?” I asked. The shower stopped. “Ya top draw.” He answer. I grabbed a black long sleeve. It was 5 sizes to big. I loved it. He came out fully dressed. “You know im going to ask for all ym shirts to be like this.” I said hugging him. “Looks go on you.” He smiled. I grabbed his hand and we walked to breakfast. We sat with my father today. We couldn’t tell him. We saw Tris. I told her I would train with her early in the morning. I have to say sorry. I ran up to her. “I’m sorry. Something happened but today we are going on a trip. No training. But when we come back I will help you.” I said hugging her. “What happened?” She asked. “I was caught up.” She cut me off. “But Four. I under stand.” She smiled. I laughed and went back to Four. “Are you ready to go to the fence?” He asked. “No. I think im going to tell them my story.” I said. “Good idea.” He said kissing my head.

                We waiting for everyone and then we headed to the train. Four and I ran together hand and hand. He jumped on the train bring me with him. We opened all the doors. I jumped in first then he followed. We watched everyone jump on. The Stiff was still running. I went to the door and helped her up. “Thanks.” She said I just nodded. “Ok kids, today we are going to the fence. Believe it or not this will be the first time I have been there since I was 12.” I said. “Why?” The one boy Will asked. He was close with the Stiff. “I’ll tell you guys when we get there.” I smiled. I was holding back tears. I just went to the edge. “I know its hard.” Four said coming up behind me. “I know. But I will make it through.” I smiled. I opened the doors and we all jumped out. 


Hey guys its Taylor. I just wanted to say i love everyone who reads my stories. So if you guys like i guess my writing style check out my other books. 

If you guys have any comments leave them. 

XOXO Taylor

Erics Daughter. DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now