Chapter twoo

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I walked to my room. I screamed. I’m so tired of this. “Are you ok?” I turned around to see Four. “No.” I said hugging him. He is the only person I trust. “I know. But you need to realize until your dads gone this is how dauntless will be. Max only listens to him.” He said rubbing my back. “Four one of my dads fears is you.” I whispered. “I know.” He said I laughed. “You seem to know every thing.” I said.

                “I wanted to let you know first. You father is calling a meeting. New rules.” Four said sitting down. “Great.” “Hey, you never know. With the choosing ceremony they might make some new fun rules.” Four smiled.

“Four after I choose last year and went through all that training I was ranked first. I should have become a trainer like you. But my father said I needed more training. Why is that?” I asked him. Four shook his head. “They were worried that you would try to over throw them. Taylor, Max and your father know your Divergent. Dauntless, Erudite, and Candor. Together that a very dangerous mix. They know that. But you father loves you. What I’m going to tell you, no one but your father, Max and I know about. After we found out about your test Eric begged Max to keep you safe. They knew I was Divergent too so they asked me what do I do to hide. I told them I act like a dauntless. We all knew that was going to be hard for you, so we made a plan b. Plan b was to keep you under control at all times. It wasn’t hard because when you mother died your father already had people watching you. But we decided I would watch your every move. Every day I see you become more and more like Erudite and Candor. I also see how you have become more like a Dauntless. If you became a trainer we all feared people would realize what you are.”

It was a lot to take in. I didn’t know my father and Max knew about me. I guess I have been making it harder on them. “If I knew that I would have acted different.” I said grabbing Fours hand. “I know that why we didn’t tell you. Taylor don’t tell any one. Its late you need some sleep. Tomorrow I want you to help me train the transfers. Your father will tell us rules, then we will all go to the choosing ceremony. Then back here.” He said getting up. I got up to and hugged him. “Thank you.” I said. He just nodded and left.

The next morning I woke up and went straight to the pit. Everyone was waiting for my father. Once everyone saw him and Max they cheered. I just stood there like a rock. “Now, as you might have heard we are now using the factionless to train. They will not be used for gun training with real guns. That’s the only rule. If you want to train with one they are by the clinic. But every day they must be returned. As you know today is the choosing ceremony. The trainers this year will be Rose, for the dauntless born and Four, training the dauntless transfers.” Every cheered and clapped as Four and Rose went up. Rose has trained the Dauntless born for three years. She trained me. She is the best girl. NO one has ever beat her in a fight.

When Four went up there he quieted everyone down. “Not only me who will be training the Transfers. Taylor.” He shouted. Everyone looked at me. Eric was freaking out but Four said something that calmed him down. I walked up there and stood beside Rose and congratulated me. “The rules for the new comers will be the same as always. That is all. Everyone who is choosing and their families the train is coming. Four and Taylor. You guys are coming too.” He said. I nodded and hugged my father. For the first time in awhile. “Thank you.” I said. He hugged me back and for once everyone awed.

We all ran to the train. Four and I ran together. He got onto the train first then I did grabbing his hand. “You didn’t come to my choosing ceremony.” I said looking at Four. “I know. It was because I didn’t feel like it.” He laughed I pushed him. “We have to jump.” I said. To Four. The doors opened and we saw everyone just waiting in their line. Four and I jumped off together. Everyone looks at us. While everyone ran in I slowly walked over to Candor.

 I saw Peter Hayes. He ran up to me. “Hey scary girl.” He said hugging me. Peter and I began friends when we were younger. But since we are from different factions and I am a year older we never see eachother. “So let me guess your going to choose Abnegation.” I said pulling back. “Haha funny. I’ll choose Dauntless. It should be fun right. I get to see you every day.” He said. “I;m training the faction transfers so you will probably see me way more then you would like.” I laughed as his line started to move. “Anyways people will get worried. “ I said hugging him. “Ill see you on the train.” He said. I smiled and walked away. I ran and found Four sitting down with everyone at the back.

“So does your father know about Candor?” Four asked. “Yes, he does. He knows I have became friends with Peter. Actually, when ever dad has to go to a meeting in the building he always drops me off at Candor.” I stated. Four just smiled. I walked to the front when people started to choose. I sat beside my dad. Everytime some one choose Dauntless we would all cheer. “Mhmm, I don’t think we have a very good year.” I said to my father. “The only person that I think is good is Peter.” He said back. Just then Peter picked us and ran to me I hugged him and he picked me up. “Peter. IM glad to have you.” Dad said hugging him. We sat down. Peter and I talked the whole time until everyone gasped. I looked and saw this Abnegation girl choose Dauntless. She came up to us and I just smiled. My father whispered to me, “Cut” And I laughed. I looked around and saw the Four left. 

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