Chapter 29

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“Omg, so what did you say”, Serene asked with lots of interest. After Thomas asked me out, I left him to rest and got back to my duty. Serene, Anna, Green and I now sat on the balcony discussing my non-existent love life. Though I have a mate, he's very introvert and hardly starts a conversation. Good thing he asked for a date, else he would easily pass the test of a uninterested mate.

“Obviously she'll say yes”, Green piped in.

“So Mia, when is this much awaited date”, Anna asked with excitement.

“Tonight at 7”, I replied.

“It's already 6 and your still here, what's wrong with you, let us help you for getting dressed up”, Serene made her motive to get me dressed up and look gorgeous so she forcing let herself and my fellow girlfriends into her room to get me dolled up.

“Serene, I need to tell you something”, Harry's voice stopped half way as he entered his room and was rendered speechless. “If this is how mated males react, I can only imagine, how would Thomas react”, giggled Serene.

“I am sure you'll be marked and mated by the end of your date”, squealed Green.

Harry's entire posture got stiff and uncomfortable. His eyes are telling things am not understanding. Displeasure, mixed with concern and jealousy was emitted in waves from him. His ocean blue eyes suddenly turned neon blue and were vibrant.

“A date with Thomas I see”, Harry said with gritted teeth. “So you will no longer guard my Queen, such a waste of time you are. Hope Thomas will leave you after he had his fun” his words hit me hard. “What are you talking Harry, control yourself”, she placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down but was of no use. He left the room immediately.

“Am sorry on his behalf, he is just overwhelmed with my security and all” Serene apologized.

“I understand, it's getting late, I should leave, bye all”, saying so I rushed down stairs, stopping myself from crying.

Tears caused my eyes to blur and I missed a step and started flying downwards, hitting a stair or two and landing softly on the ground. Wow, what a landing.

“I thought a mate would support physically and mentally. I didn't understand this is what they meant” Thomas voice came from underneath me.

“Oops, this is so awkward” I immediately got up from above him. “I don't mind though” he replied. I blushed furthermore. “Shall we leave”. I nodded and followed him to the car.

The car halted and he got down and opened the door for me. “Where did you bring me, you are not going to kill me right”, his laughed echoed through the emptiness surrounding us. It brought excitement and nervousness in me. Sapphire's warnings started to play in my mind. I pushed all the thoughts aside and started walking with him.

He brought me to an open area alongside a lake. The open ground is decorated with lights and candles. In the middle of the decorations, lay a table and sofas. A path of rose petals to reach the table. The air smelled lavender and roses.

“This is the best date I have ever been to”. I said appreciating the decorations and effort.

“Thank God you liked it”, he kissed my neck and grab my hand in his and started to walk to the candle lit table.

We talked about each other likes and dislikes, hobbies and ate the food cooked by him. “Why don't we go skinny dipping” he told out of nowhere. “I don't know swimming” I replied. “I'll take care of it let's dive”.

He lifted me and ran towards the lake and dumped me in it. The water was damn cold. My nerves froze. A warm hand grabbed my waist and pulled towards it. “This water would make my body temperature warmer”, saying so without giving a warning he kissed me.

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