Chapter 5

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I did the only thing which was easiest for me. Yes you got me right. I fainted on him.

Groaning, I managed to get up from the soft mattress I was currently placed on. The room was dark and I couldn't see anything. After my eyes got adjusted to the darkness, I could make out a silhouette at the corner of the room. I gave a shrilled cry which would put a banshee on shame.

“You only scream or faint in my presence, don't you”, there was not only mockery in his tone but also  amusement.

I gave him no reply because I was still trying to digest the fact of him. How can a person from dreams be real. It's not humanly possible. Am I haunted, yes this explanation suits perfect. He is a ghost who wants god knows what from me.

As he approached me, I tried my best not to scream again and started searching for weapon to safeguard myself. When his hand was close to my face I attacked his arm by scalpel lying next to my bed.

“Ouch”, he exclaimed and blood starting gushing out of his wound without taking a break. “Omg, it's bleeding, so you aren't a ghost.” I screamed rushing for first aid kit.

When I step out of the room, I contacted the nearest cleaning crew for a first aid. With the kit along, I stepped into the room apologizing him for the discomfort I caused.

“I'm sorry that I acted on impulse, please stretched your arm so I can clean and disinfect”, I was looking down at his hand while apologizing him.

“You are forgiven, but you are late, I already taken care of my wound” he said showing his bandaid hand, I turned my head so fast I wondered how it didn't crack.

“How can it be possible, there is no first aid kit in the vicinity and no one near by”, I questioned him.

“You question a lot, don't you”, he told amusement clearly visible in his eyes. I felt like deja-vu again. So many deja-vu moments I'm experiencing these days.

Ok I'm seriously going mad. “Where is my mom?” I asked, for which he replied “ They are waiting outside for you to wake up, didn't you meet them during your hunt” his amusement was clear in his voice, he continued saying “Before you ask me as to why I'm here in your room, well just say it's an escape from the drama of meeting family and this place was peaceful” he also commented something which my ears couldn't capture.

I rushed out of the room unable to breath the same air as him.

"Mom can we just leave please” I asked anxiously. But before she could reply. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending the get” a very old man spoke from the center of the gathering.

“I know it's boring for the young souls and hence we decided to entertain you with the treasure hunt” all along there was pin drop silence in the room, no one is even whispering. Omg grow up guys it's just a bloody game.

I huffed when someone pushed me and hurried towards the old man. When I looked for the reason of commotion I found that there was a huge queue where there were two men who might be in there mid fifties holding a blue basket each.

The queue is filled with youngsters and they were picking up a chit from that basket. “I think you should come out of your bubble and stand in queue” Eric said. I didn't even notice him standing beside me. Argh, I'm so damn absorbed in my own brain. I rushed to find a spot to be anywhere but far from this blue-eyed-not-so-stranger guy but fate has other plans for me.

I ended up being penultimate member of the queue, with this blue-eyed guy being last. I waited patiently for my chance and when my chance actually came I was irritated. I had no choice in choosing my chits. There were only 2 chits left-one black and other orange and it's damn obvious I'll pick black coz that's my favorite color.

I sighed and picked up the chit and so did Eric. I guess blue-eyed guy sounded far better than his original name.

“So the next generation has picked up one chit each right. Now let me tell you about the rules. There is no particular do’s and Don'ts, the chit you picked up has your destination in it. Reach your destination and find the treasure.”the same old man addressed us.

“Let the game commence.”

Everyone dispersed, even this blue-eyed guy was no where in peripheral of my vision. So I'm the only person not interested in whatever activity conducted. Well I don't have a choice so why not enjoy it.

I opened the chit and it read, “Where you hid is where you find the truth. Where you lost is where you would gain. Where you wanted to forget is where you'll remember”. Wow, just fan-fucking-tastic. So I am not the only person insane on earth. Argh, Lord why so much mercy on me.

I had no clue as to where to start. So many where's in this chit has made me allergic to this 'where’ word. So I kept walking towards the forest in front, searching for the destination which I'm sure doesn't exist.


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