Well... Its not Straight At All

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Derek and Stiles were just hanging out in the Loft, Derek was sitting down and reading while Stiles was napping on Derek. Braeden opened the door loudly causing Stiles to whine loudly and Braeden to roll her eyes. Here's a quick recap; Derek and Stiles are dating but everyone thinks they are just getting very close (Scott finds it a little unnerving and odd), Braeden is highly jealous because she loves Derek. Derek and Stiles are Mates (But Stiles doesn't know) and Derek decided to take it slow and start dating instead of jumping straight to it (hehe).

Anyways, to continue; Braeden opens the door very loudly which causes Stiles to whine loudly and Derek to caress Stiles's hair. Braeden rolls her eyes and ushers Derek into the kitchen, Stiles whining again at the loss of his pillow. "Derek, you wanna go out?" Derek put his book down on the counter.

"I'm sorry, what?" Braeden rolls her eyes. Again.

"You. Me. Date."

"Oh. Im sorry but it's a no. I'm going out with Stiles." Braeden is furious and is on the verge on yelling when a small whisper comes from across the kitchen. "We have been for 6 months." Derek smiles and walked over to Stiles wrapping his arms around the boy's waist.

"Derek. He's underage, meaning that that", she says pointing to them "is illegal."

"I actually talked to the Sheriff and he is perfectly ok with the relationship. I can wait till Stiles is 18."

"Yeah but i can't." Stiles murmured. Derek chuckled and inhaled Stiles's scent (sorry i just find when he does that it's adorable).

"Wait. Let me get this straight. You and Stiles have been dating for 6 months?" Braeden asks, completely ignoring Stiles.

"There's actually nothing Straight about it!" Stiles piped up. Derek stood there chuckling but when he saw Braeden's face is pretended to cough and reached for a glass of water (i do this a lot) and avoided Braeden's eyes even though he can feel them burning into him.

Braeden screamed in frustration and torpedoed out of the loft slamming the big metal door with as much possible strength as she could muster. Stiles dragged Derek back to the couch, pushed Derek on the couch and then proceeded to flop on Derek.

"Good. She's gone now I can nap." Derek chuckled and started rubbing Stiles's back as he heard soft snores coming from the younger boy.

Half an hour later

Derek's phone buzzed - Derek -  -Scott-

Yo Braeden told me your dating stiles is that tru?

Yeah, is something wrong?

Hurt him and i will force feed you tuna mixed with cockroaches while filling your intestines with bees :)

... ok. Scott would you hurt Alli?

Nah dude she is my mate



Yes. Don't tell him. I will when he's ready

Hurry up and dooo it!!

Derek rolled his eyes and just as he put his phone down Stiles woke up.

"Hey, um Stiles?" Stiles slowly opened his eyes and cuddled into Derek more and nodded slightly. "How would you feel if we were... well, Mates?" Stiles tilted his head a little and eyed Derek, he then closed his eyes and went back into his napping position that he was in earlier. "Well I better fuckin' be." Derek chuckled and whispered "You are."

"Good, cause Braeden can't have you. No one can. You're mine." Derek started to laugh a bit louder. "I thought wolfs are supposed to be the possessive ones." Stiles then imitated a growl and sat up as he started coughing while Derek was chuckling at his Mate's behavior. Stiles pouted and lied his back on Derek's chest while arms were being snaked around his waist. "I love you Stiles Stilinski, my Mate. My everything." Stiles was surprised at the amount vulnerability that Derek was showing, "I love you Derek Hale, my Mate and my everything." Derek let out a small rumble in his chest and bit Stiles on the neck.

"Ow! What was that for?" Stiles was upset but Derek gave him the puppy eyes. "Just a Mating Mark. It will let other wolves know that if they try to Mate you before I do that I will kill them." Stiles melted at Derek's state, the vulnerability, the softness, the lovingness, his hair was a fluffy mess and the forest green eyes were shining. Stiles crashed their lips together and pulled away after a short time. "I'm so glad that it's you. It's always been you." Stiles whispered.

Cringeyyy but i needed to find something to write. Not only for you guys but because i need to distract myself from some big ass drama😂. Oki, lazy shit out byeeeeeee

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