Super Moon

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It's a full moon. Stiles was bored. What could possibly go wrong? Well, the answer is everything.

Here is a small gap just for the anxiety... lol jk jk nothing goes wrong...

Stiles had called all the wolves to make sure they were all right. When they all gave him the all clear he left the Pack alone knowing they were all paired up. Except for Derek. He was a loner. So Stiles being the kind-hearted smol hooman bean he is, he drove to Derek's.

During the drive Stiles was minding his own business and looked at the woods while he was driving. As his eyes made it's way back to the road, Stiles slammed down on the break thanking the Lord (sorry if your religious and this offends you in any way, shape or form) that no one was behind him. He turned the car off and hopped out and slowly made his way over to the animal that caused him to stop.

Stiles thought it was just a dog but he realized that it was a wolf. A black wolf with fur that glistened in the moonlight. It was odd, however, that said wolf was just sitting on the road like nothing happened.

The wolf stood up and stalked past Stiles and jumped into the Jeep. Stiles had no clue what to do and just began to laugh, going into the Jeep himself and began the road trip to Derek's. "I should probably take you to Deaton's instead..." Stiles though out loud. The wolf whined in protest and layed it's head in Stiles's lap. Stiles sighed, he knew that Derek would be ok on his own for one night. He was a born-wolf after all...

When Stiles pulled up in his driveway, he woke up the sleeping wolf. The wolf yawned and jumped up onto Stiles's lap and put it's front legs on Stiles's shoulders. Stiles chuckled and shook his head as he carefully made his way into his house and laid the wolf on his bed. Before Stiles fell asleep he checked the wolf for a Collar to see if he was owned by anyone, "Hmm, I guess your an Omega. Or do you have a pack?" The wolf snuggled into Stiles and pushed him onto his back. Stiles (for what he felt as like the 20th time today) chuckles at the wolf and covers them both with the blanket.



I woke up in a peaceful bliss. It was nice. The sun was shining through the window, I have strong protective arms around my waist and.... wait what? Who the hell..

I turn around and see come face to face with... Derek?! I, for some stupid reason, decide to look down. Welp, that was a mistake. He's naked...

But where's the wol- Derek was the wolf.

"Derek. You asshole get up." I pushed him slightly. I love him but... dammit this isn't how I'm supposed to wake up in bed with him. Derek hummed in response and flipped me over so my back was facing his chest, he then proceeded to rub his nose into my neck. I can feel him inhaling.

"Derek... do you care to explain about last night." I turned back over and he chuckled without opening his eyes.

"You make it sound like I slept with you." I rolled my eyes but blushed and could find a way to hide it... good going Stilinski, you don't just put your face on someone's chest. I mentally slapped myself and I looked up at him to see that he raised a eyebrow.

"But anyways because last night was a super moon, our powers were enhanced more than just a full moon. So every wolf had to be with it's anchor. In a super moon, if you aren't with your anchor it cause you to shift to the most extent you can shift. For example, Erica would have shifted with her eyes and fangs but she was with Boyd so she would have been fine. But with me being evolved I shifted into full wolf form, I just had to be with my anchor." Derek explained.

"But I was already on my way. Wait anchor?"

"I could smell your scent so I just sat in the middle of the road and waited for you." I rolled my eyes thinking about how I almost ran over him. "But Stiles. Anchor is something highly serious. I wouldn't lie about something like that. Anger was my anchor but.... I just- You're now it." I smile and hugged him, he tensed but then seemed to relaxed and hugged me back.


This was everything. I want this. Forever. Derek he's happy! You gotta tell him you love him! Tell him he's Mate! He's Mate Derek! Mate! My wolf would not shut up. I kissed the top of Stiles's head and whispered "I love you." I could feel Stiles smile against my chest and whisper "I love you too." I couldn't help the possessiveness in my voice as I said "Mate." I could faintly hear a chuckle and "Your Mate." I smiled and we fell back asleep.

I suddenly woke up to a faint clicking of a camera sound and a "Shit.", I look up and see the Sheriff and his phone. I raise an eyebrow and he looks up and smiles, "Finally. I have been waiting for you to finally make a move. Also make sure the Pack remembers to give me the $30 they all owe me. Each by the way." We both chuckle quietly and the Sheriff closes the door, but just before he does he whispers "Derek, I trust you not to hurt my son. I can see how meaningful Mates are to you wolves." And with that he shuts the door.

Aww. How sweet. Anyways sorry for not updating in a while, it's school holidays so I will be able to post more. Also sorry for the gaps, I have been getting quite bored lately so I just randomly decided to put in gaps... ok yeah.. lazy shit out byyeeeee (also I hoped you liked it).

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