After Math Part 1

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After the Nogitsune Stiles couldn't sleep. He couldn't focus. His ADHD kept acting up even if he took his Adderall. He barely ate. Sometimes he couldn't even drink anything, not even water. Point is: Stiles was wrecked.  One night he sat there one his bed reading. It was 2:30am and his window was slightly open. Then Derek opened it, being quite surprised that Stiles was still awake.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"Shouldn't you be not stalking me?" Stiles shot like a bullet back with sarcasm. Derek huffed out a laughed and climbed in. Stiles raised an eyebrow as Derek started stripping. It's not like Stiles minded anyways. Guys would probably be gay for one night for Derek. Stiles realized he was Bi because of Derek (fun fact I found out I was Bi due to a girl at my school). Derek was just in his boxers and before Stiles could say anything Derek had shifted into his wolf form and shook off his boxers. Stiles could only shrug as Derek jumped onto Stiles's bed. But he curled up into a ball in Stiles's lap.

Stiles... well Stiles was speechless. Derek. THE Derek Hale was SLEEPING in Stiles's lap. Stiles eventually got used to the wolf laying on him and he closed his laptop lid and layed down on the bed while picking up Derek and laying him under the sheets and cuddling him as if Derek was a teddy bear. That's not weird right? Right?

-Time skip to morning cause I'm a lazy shit-

Stiles layed in bed and slowly opened his eyes. He fell asleep. He actually slept. Because of Derek.
Derek layed in bed and slowly opened his eyes. He fell asleep. He actually slept. Because of Stiles.


I looked at Stiles and he was awake. He smiled softly and starting to pet my ears. I couldn't help myself but my tail wagged and when Stiles noticed that he laughed. That sound was amazing. The last laugh I heard from him was before the Nogitsune. Hearing that sound was comforting and calming. I felt content in the first time in a while. Stiles checked the time and it was 9:32am.

"Breakfast? You want steak?" I growled playfully and jumped on Stiles. What is this kid doing to me? I hopped off and grabbed my clothes and dragged them to the bathroom. Leaving Stiles in a laughing fit. I get dressed and all but run down the stairs. There in the kitchen was Stiles playfully dancing while cooking pancakes. I stood there in the doorway while Stiles had turned up the music and started listening to Wannabe.

What was this kid doing to me?

I could tell Stiles was in a good mood. I don't know why though. I quickly composed myself as he turned around with a coffee in his hand. He walked towards me and gave it to me.

"Der?" He giggled. Aww, how cute. Cute? Really Hale?


"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." I said sipping on my coffee.

"Why, out of all places, did you stay at mine?" I almost spat out my coffee. Do I tell him? No, I couldn't? Before I could register a pair of lips had layed on mine.


Ok I'm just gonna do a part two because I need to update and I need time. So usual stuff 'I hope you enjoyed'. Yeah will update soon but until then Lazy Shit out byyyyeeeee

Just realized that I sound like a YouTuber. K bye

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