Chapter 18

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"I can't believe you, Lucas. You've changed so much ever since you've met that- that- stupid kid!" my father yells at me in front if the principle and whoever else may be in the hallway at the moment.

"He's not just some kid, dad." I mumble, staring at my shoes and just about everything else just so I didn't look at him.

"Oh right, you're like his boy toy or something am I right?" he spits, causing me to look up at him angrily.

"No, Shawn," I growl, believing he doesn't deserve to be called father or anything of that sorts at the moment. "I'm not his boy toy or whatever, we are dating and it's a real relationship, unlike yours. Mom is just using you for your money you prick." I snap and grab my bag, walking away down the hall that just began to flood with students. I don't even care that I lied to him about Ashton and I.

I head to my locker with a detention slip in my back pocket and angrily put in my combination. Once it's opened I throw my books in and stuff the ones I need for my next class into my bag and walk away, slamming my locker closed.

I slump down in my desk at the back of the room and get out a piece of paper and pen to take notes on for the whole class. When it's time for lunch, I don't go. I sit in the corner of the library I've never been in and study my notes so in quiet. In the midst of my AP Chemistry my mind begins to wander. I'm being a total bitch to everyone, not that I care, and it's causing my reputation to sink to the depths of the school. I slap the flash card on the desk and groan, rubbing my eye and blink a couple times, wondering why my vision is so blurry until I realize that I lost a contact. This day is just fucking great, getting better by the minute.

I take out my other one so I don't fuck up my vision any more and put it in it's case, stuffing it in my back pack. The bell rings and I get up, slowly making my way through the library and to the door, successfully not running into anything. Walking down the hall wasn't any good, I would always run into people and trip and fall. But I ignore the laughter and I ignore the stares and try to get to my next class.

"Sorry." I mumble to someone else I bump into and squint at them as I try to walk by.

"Not so fast, faggot boy." and I realize it's the fucking Michael bully kid and internally groan.

"Just leave me alone." I mumble, not usually having to deal with this since I do a good job avoiding him when I can actually see. I try to walk around him, but he follows my every step. "Just fuckin' move, fat ass!" I shout out of frustration and am immediately regretting my decision. I have so much word vomit today, it's just spewing everywhere. It's disgusting, I'm disgusting.

"You're going to pay for that, Hemmings." he growls, pointing one of his fingers in my face before walking off. I groan, wanting someone to just shoot me dead in this hallway but I just continue on until I reach one of my final classes.


The last couple of classes went by fairly quickly and then I'm suddenly sat in my science teacher's room for detention.

"No talking, no texting, no working on homework, no listening to music, no nothing. You have to sit here for one hour in silence okay? Okay. Let's get started. Just so you know, he answered his own question. This is complete bullshit. So I tap my fingers on the desk, earning a glare so I stop and lay my head on the desk. He never said no sleeping. "Head up, Mr. Hemmings." he tells me while grading his papers. I internally groan and sit up, this is going to be long.

An hour later I'm walking out of the classroom and immediately bump into someone making me fall back.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry." he says, scrambling to pick his papers up from the floor. I start helping him, getting most of the papers off of the floor.

"It's alright, really." I tell him with a smile and look up at him. "I'm Luke." I tell the attractive boy.

"Oh- I- Chase." he hiccups and then blushes "sorry." His bleach blond hair falls into his blue eyes and he shakes his head a little. I check him out noticeably on purpose and smirk, making him blush again before I walk away.

"See ya around, Chase." I mumble, liking the way his name tasted coming off my lips. I walk home, Chase being the only thing on my mind as I sit in bed and check my messages.

"Dude we have band practice."

"Get you're ass over here."

I type in a quick response telling them I don't feel very well and start on my homework, ignoring the constant beeping of my phone.

a/n: heyyyy

This would've been up last night but I was tired so I went to bed

ANYWAY I hope this is longer but uhmmm what do you think about Chase?

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