Chapter 1

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"Evening, Lucas. How was your day at school?" my father asked in a rather posh way.

"Today was rather eventful, father. I am grateful for your curiousity." I answer the level of sophistication feeling rather high today.

"Your oldest brother has requested our appearance at one of his performances." he says, peaking my interest, but I do not let him see me as if I would want to go.

"What did you tell him?"

"That would be what did you say Lucas. I expect more from you. You will not be like your older brothers, they are useless to us. I expect you to speak correctly." he looks up at me above his spectacles before clearing his throat and folding up the paper to set it on the table. "I told him not to expect our arrival." he said eyeing me a little bit.

"I would not have wanted to attend that crummy show anyway." I agree.

"Good." he nods

"If you'll excuse me, Father. I shall be returning to my abode if you do not mind."

He only nodded as my dismissal, so I rushed upstairs, fixing up my vest before opening my room and throwing my bag on my neatly made bed. My phone vibrated continuously in my pocket until I slid to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer in my actual voice after seeing it was Ashton.

"Hey, Luke. Band practice was canceled tonight. Mikey got detention for shooting spit balls at the teacher." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Typical." I mutter, holding the phone between my shoulder and cheek while I dig homework out of my bag that I earlier retreived from atop my bed.

"Something wrong?" he asked and I shrug, almost forgetting he couldn't see me.

"Nah. See you tomorrow." I hang up before he could say anything else and go back to doing my homework. It was a long night with piles of homework from each class, but I was determined to finish every last peice of it. Actually I just didn't want my father yelling at me when they call home for missing work, or it shows up on my report card. I finally head to bed at around 4:32, earning 3 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up and dreading the day to come.

I put on the most bearable articles of clothing and went to the bathroom to slick back my hair and wear my thick glasses. I really want to snap them in half but I'm fucking blind and my father would kill me if he knew I had a secret stash of contacts. Another day at school, another day of torture and looking hopelessly stupid.

I make my way down the steps with my messenger bag at my hip and sit at the breakfast table where everything was being placed.

"Good morning, Mother." I greet and she nods, pouring my father's coffee.

"Good morning Lucas. I expect you slept well last night." she says bitterly. She never really enjoyed my company and always suspected something of my....sexuality. Gay was not okay according to her.

"Indeed." is all I say before starting on my breakfast. It consisted of a small amount of eggs and a single peice of bacon which I finish off quickly, still hungry. I don't dare ask for more though, I learned my lesson last time I did that.

"Farewell, Mother. We shall reunite after today's schedule." I say and wave good bye before walking out of the door without waiting for a response.

My walk to school was slow considering the muggy atmosphere. Whatever. I made it on time to my first class as always and sat in the far corner in the front, waiting for class to start.

"Morning class." Ms. Wells greeted as she walked in the door. Everyone had made some sort of grumble noise in response as she set all of her things down on her desk and clasped her hands together. "Exciting news!" she cheered. "We have a new student!" of course we do. There's a knock on the door. "That must be him!" she opens the door and in he walks.

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