Chapter 2

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As I arrive home from my hell on earth I try to sneak passed the kitchen, but due to my lack of good vision I trip over a chair leg that was pulled out too far.

"Lucas is that you?" my mother asks and I hold back a groan as I climb to my feet.

"Yes, ma'am." I answer, blinking rapidly to try and clear up my vision.

"Where are your glasses, Lucas?" she snapped once she was looking in my direction. I squinted at her and began to dig through my bag to get them and handed them in what I assumed was her direction. She sighed and took the broken lenses from me, I could tell she did something with her face, possibly pinching the bridge of her nose, she does that a lot.

"We'll have to buy you a new pair. For now you'll have to wear the contacts you have that you think I don't know about. We will have to tell your father that I bought them while we were out." I nod slowly, letting her words sink in as she grabs my arm and harshly yanks me upstairs. I almost question her why she didn't just eat me out but decide against it.

"Here." she snaps and throws me in the bathroom to put on the contacts that I hide under the sink.


"Evening, Father." I greet, once sat at the dining table.

"Evening, Lucas." he replied, his tone monotone as usual. He sipped his beverage and I picked at my food, taking small bites. The scraping and tapping of metal forks on the glass plates soon took over the room until my father began talking again. "Your mother informed me that you broke your glasses once again, Lucas." he says and I internally flinch and nod.

"I did." I say simply, trying to finish off the rest of my dinner, eyeing the time closely.

"What was it this time, hmm?" he asked impatiently while my mother watched, not saying anything or going to try and intervene.

"I fell." I tell him easily, scraping the last crumbs of food from my plate.

"You fell. Again. Lucas, I don't know how many times you think you can get away with the same lie. We are saving for you to go to Harvard! When I have to continually purchase you glasses we are losing that money!" he yelled, slamming his fist on the table causing my mother and I to jump.

"I apologize, Father. I will try at my best ability not to damage another pair." I say quickly, knowing Calum would be showing up at any minute to pick me up. "May I be excused?" I ask, showing my empty plate. My father frowns, but nods anyway and I scurry to wash my plate and put it away and rush to my room. Once I arrive, I dig in a secret compartment at the bottom of a chest at the foot of my bed for clothes that I actually like and quickly change. I make sure my door is locked before putting in my lip piercing and fixing my hair in a quiff. Just as I finish, my phone lights up and Calum is parked around the block.

I check my door once more before I open my window and pull the screen off and carefully make my way down the tree. Once I hit the ground, I'm almost running to meet Cal in his beat up old Chevy truck.

I wave and smile at him which he returns the gesture as I get in the car and he takes off.

Once we get to his house, Mikey and Ashton are already there, both waiting in Ashton's car since technically Mikey nor Cal can drive by themselves but who's going to find out? We all go in the house and get our instruments ready, mine is already stored at Calum's because who knows what would happen if my parents caught me with a guitar.

I strum a few cords and tune them quickly before discussing the next song we were going to cover.

"I think we should do American Idiot by Greenday" Michael pouts. The rest of us look at one another and shake our heads.

"I don't think we are quite ready for that." Calum said and Michael sighed dramatically.

"What about this?" I hand over a bunch of folded up papers at Calum containing the song I had spent almost weeks writing.

"You wrote this?" he asks, his eyes bouncing across the page. He passed it to Ashton next to him, who read it, then passed it to Michael.

"I like it." Ashton spoke first the others nodded I smiled,

"Great, so it starts with Ashton..."


By the end of practice, we had the cords down and tomorrow we were working on the words, seperating solos and working on harmonies. Once we were back in Calum's truck, I looked at the time and my heart nearly stopped.

"Shit! I have to be home now." I tell him frantically so Calum steps on it, dropping my off a little ways up the street instead of around the block so I could get there faster. I quickly thank him and climb back up into my room and put the screen back in place before changing out of my present clothes and putting on something that I'd wear to bed. I wet down my hair to make it look like I had showered and almost forgot my lip piercing. I took it out and hid it with the rest of my regular apparel and grabbed my messenger bag and threw out some books just as there was a knock on the door.

Quickly, I scribble some things down to make it look like I've been here this whole time before opening my door to my father.

"Evening." I greet and he nods, pushing passed me and looking around my room.

"How are your studies going this evening?" he asks, his eyes scanning the whole area.

"Very well, Father, thank you for your concern." I answer, watching him closely. He eyes me closely, looks me up and down before turning to leave my room.

"Good night, Lucas."

Here is chapter two! if you've read my other fanfics these chapters are shorter than my other ones but yeah oh well I guess. Thanks for reading! :D

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