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coffee fixes things, right? well, josh thought it did.

waking up for the second time that morning with a sore back and no tyler next to him again, josh just shrugged his shoulders with a sigh and said 'fudge it' before getting up and heading towards the stairs. instead of finding tyler at the bottom, josh cut through the living room and found tyler chatting away with laura in the kitchen. both of them seemed so interested in their conversation, they didn't see josh sneak into the kitchen and get a mug from the cabinets. they still didn't notice the yellow hue when josh situated himself in the living on the couch, turning on the tv with a small 'click' and cuddling up with a blanket.

the scratches that made home on joshs back were still red and very noticeable, every move he makes sends scorching pain up his spine. the memory from last night was fuzzy, josh could remember the dream but anything after that, he couldn't.

when they finally noticed josh, he was getting himself another cup of coffee.

the gasp that he heard had him spinning around so fast he couldn't believe the mug didn't slip right out of his hand.

"what? what happened?" josh thought laura saw a spider or something, but that wasn't it.

what josh noticed was that tylers tank top hung low on his body and when he turns around, you could clearly see the unwanted red marks.

his shoulders slumped and he groaned when laura rushed over to him and spun him around, "it's not that big of a deal, mom."

laura didn't seem to like that answer, "of course it is! what happened? who did this? wait."

before laura could yell or blame tyler, josh quickly turned around, "before you blame tyler for this, it wasn't his fault."

laura eyed tyler for a spilt-second before turning to her son, "ok, if it wasn't him, who was it?"

josh placed the stained mug on the counter and sighed, raking his mind for anything that would make sense but nothing came up.

"its hard to explain..." josh trailed off slowly, seeing tyler with his head hung low.

laura crossed her arms over her chest, "fine, once you come up with an explanation you can spend your time up in your room," she turned towards tyler, "and I would love to have a word with you."

josh knew there was no reason to fight with laura so he did what he was told, feeling tylers eyes on the back of his head as he walked out of the kitchen.

apparently coffee doesn't fix things.


instead of being in his room, josh spent most of his time in the bathroom. he could tell the marks weren't going anywhere at this point and he highly doubt the pain would dissipate either. he could hear muffled voices from below but decided against eavesdropping, stripping away barely any clothing and stepping into the bath.

he was halfway down with his bath when the door opened up, relaxing greatly when it was tyler and not his mom and went back to washing his hair. it was quiet when josh finished up, it was quiet when tyler silently handed josh a towel and headed out, and it was still quiet when josh slipped clothes on and looked at tyler on his bed.

"ty?" tyler looked up and glanced at josh for spilt-second before looking away, slowly making hand gestures for josh to come.

josh did but hesitantly, tyler wrapped his arms around the yellow hues waist and pulled him closer. josh rested his hands on the brunets shoulders before running his fingers over tylers shaved head, knitting his eyebrows in confusion, when did tyler shave his head and how didn't josh notice until now?

no words were exchanged, josh could feel kisses being planted on his stomach and hands roaming his back. when josh felt his shirt being tugged up and more kisses, the yellow hue didn't question. when josh felt himself being manoeuvred into the bed and his shirt tugged off completely, josh still didn't question. the brunet's lips moved all over joshs chest, leaving tiny red blemishes while his hands gripped firmly on his loves hips. after the conversation tyler had with laura, tyler needed to show josh some love after how laura talked to him.

"ty?" the brunet perked up from joshs neck and connected their lips, hearing a soft sigh escape from his love.

their lips moved so perfectly together, fitted together like two pieces of a puzzle.

tyler pulled away first and rested his forehead against joshs, "hm?"

"what did you guys talk about?" tyler figured that was going to be the first question josh would ask, so instead of answering, tyler connected their lips again before going back to his original task of marking up the yellow hues neck.

josh let out an annoyed sigh but didn't say anything, making a mental note to ask the question later.

after everything that has happened this morning and last night, josh couldn't believe his mother let tyler stay but he was glad she let him.

maybe coffee does fix things.


I'm shit at updating, but hey, at least I did :).

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