✖️youre cute

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soon enough june came and so did joshs birthday, his mind completely forgetting about tyler as his family and friends showered him with love and gifts and occasional questions of why there was a mark upon his neck; which only left him flustered and stuttering a lie. soon enough his birthday was gone and josh was glad that he wasn't the center of attention anymore, silently slipping back in the dark as if he was a ghost and wasn't actually there.

but soon his mind was flooded with tyler once again after seeing the boy staring at him aimlessly at the park with a slight smirk on his face before vanishing without a trace.

that's when josh started to get nervous and afraid for his wellbeing because he sure as heck didn't trust the boy with the mysterious background. he wanted to test his theory out if he was correct or just a lunatic of a person who thought that the undead was real and was trying to kill him but he tried not to think much about it. bringing up his courage (which took almost all day to calm himself from a hint of an anxiety attack), josh silently waited for nightfall to come and when it did; his nerves shot straight through the roof and he practically forced his limbs out the front door.

walking outside during the night freaked josh out way more knowing that something that wasn't supposed to be real was coming after him and his heart wasn't making him feel any better.

before he knew it he was in an alleyway downtown being pressed quite hard against the wall of a bar with bright ruby red eyes staring directly at dark brown orbs. joshs breathing come to a hitch as he felt cold hands trace ever so slowly down his throat, hearing a small chuckle from the boy before feeling tylers thumb trace his bottom lip.

"you have no idea how long I've waited for you, josh. just to be able to taste your blood has been driving me over the wall for the past two weeks, you sure like to keep me waiting huh?"

josh couldn't form any words as he felt his cheek being pressed against cold bricks, shutting his eyes tightly as he felt a pair of lips trail down his throat and to his collarbone. shivering when cold hands ghosted up his shirt as he felt a pair of non-human teeth tug on his earlobe. josh could feel a hand jerk his head forward, snapping at him to open his eyes which he did with hesitation.

"such a good boy, aren't you? gosh, you're cute, ever have your first kiss, joshua?"

josh could only shake his head, faintly seeing a smile form upon tylers face. before he even knew what was happening, a pair of lips was on his and he only gasped lightly long enough for a tongue to slip past his lips.

and josh would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it.


its 1 in the morning and I updated, you're welcome :)

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