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Unfortunately, the boys and girls team had to play at the same time, so I couldn't support Eunwoo and he couldn't support me. The workers split the gym in half, cameras from sport networks filled the stands, supporters filled the bleachers, and the opposing team practiced on the other side of the court.

When we exited the locker room, I instantly ran to the boys side of the gym to give Eunwoo my final words of good luck before we both had to play.

"Hey!" I yelled out to him

He turned around and his eyes widened,
"What're you doing here?!" He asked

"Wishing you good luck" I said smiling

"No you're trying to get killed by both of our coaches." He said

"Oh please, how could they kill Mina Young's flesh and blood?" I asked sarcastically

"True, true, but your words aren't good enough maybe you can do something else." He said as inched closer and closer to my face

In the moment, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and my palms getting sweaty.

"Y/N!" Mina called out to me, rudely interrupting.

We both looked up at her and when she reached me, she asked,

"Am I, um, interrupting anything?" She asked

"No, only my whole life" I said coldly

"No, Ms. Young, you didn't interrupt anything." Eunwoo said smiling

"You're Eunwoo right?" She asked

"Yeah" he answered

"I've heard a lot about you, I can't wait to see how you do for the city next year." She said

"No players have been picked yet." I said

"Yeah, I'm aware, but the captains always automatically move onto play for the city, it's been like this forever but I suppose your coach didn't tell you this so you can still put in the same amount of effort." She said

"Well thanks for ruining the surprise." I said

"If you really play just like me, like everyone says, knowing this information won't change a thing about how you play today." She said

"I don't know who these invisible or imaginary people are, but when they appear tell them i play like myself and like no one else, Ms. Young." I said grinning

Mina chuckled,
"I'll see you two AFTER you both win." She said as she turned and walked away from us

"What was that?! You're so mean!" Eunwoo said

"No, it's just the way we communicate, kinda like a love-hate relationship but like I don't actually hate her and she knows that. That's why it's easy for her to just laugh it off, no matter what I say." I said

Eunwoo laughed and shook his head,
" I guess she deserves it for now, but you know what we deserve? To continue where we left off." He said as his face got closer and closer again until I put my finger over his lips.

"Only if you win" I said before running off, to other side of the gym, where the girls team was practicing. I went to the stands and saw my dad and brother.

I sat next to my brother and said,

"Look up" as I pointed up to the glass window that showed Mina with a mic at a desk.

"I still can't believe it." He said staring up at her me

"Me either" I said

"I always told you she'd come back." My dad said, smiling
"But, as exciting as it is, you have a game to win. I believe in you, captain." He said

I stood up,
"Thanks dad." I said giving him and jisung a hug

As I began to walk away Jisung jogged after me and said,
"Remember don't win it for Dad, Mina, me, Eunwoo or anyone else. Do it for yourself and your team." He said

"I'll keep that in mind."

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