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I stood up from the table as soon as I saw my father entering the house . He stood across from me ,

"Y/N we need to talk. Please come home" He said

"I don't want to talk to you" I replied

"Your mother called and-

"I don't care !! She is not my mother either !! She is just some volleyball player that looks like me ! I don't want to be involved with her at all! So tell that lady that ." I exclaimed , cutting him off.

"Look, can we all just talk? We can tell you everything you need to know about your mother ." Eunwoos dad said

"No . I'm tired of talking about her with other ppl . It's something different every time . She waited 16 years to call, at this point I'm not interested in what she has to say ." I said

"That's what I was trying to tell you . Your mother called and said she's in town. She wants to speak to you Y/N."  My father said

My heart dropped , I felt weak and shocked. I'd never thought I'd actually get the chance to see my mother face to face. Now that i did have the chance ... it was really surreal. But now that I'm so angry i don't know if I want to see her anymore. While she was playing volleyball all around the world , I was here suffering without a mother .

" I'll think about it" I said before walking upstairs into Eunwoos room.

I stared out of the window, wondering what life would be like if my mom was there. I was so deep into thought that I hadn't noticed someone else had entered the room.

"What the heck was that?" Eunwoo asked me

"I don't know" I said, still staring out the window

"You know you might as well meet her now. If you wait until the day of your game you'll be unfocused and you have to win." He said

"I don't care if I win" I replied

"This is exactly what I was worried about . If you focus too much on this then you won't do well in Volleyball and-

"Can you please stop talking about volleyball! The person who inspired me to play volleyball is the same person who was never there for me ! So tell me how can I play volleyball?!" I cried out

Eunwoo was speechless. He sat on the bed and laid back.

He sighed . "So what do we do now ?" He asked me

I turned to him, "I don't know . Right now I just want to disappear."

"Ok then , let's disappear." He said

"What do you mean" I asked

"What I mean is that we can go anywhere you want for a few hours." He said

"Really ?! When I said disappear I meant sleep." I said excitedly

Eunwoo chuckled, "Just tell me where you
want to go."

I thought about it for a second
"Hmmm.... the amusement park !!"

Eunwoo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now