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He destroyed the girls. I couldn't believe it. He wouldn't even take it easy on his little sister Lisa. Maybe three girls were able to receive his spike. It's my job avenge my friends because it was my turn.

Giving me the ball he said,

"Guess you'll be playing the next two games alone."

"That makes the two of us," I said and we both laughed

Although three girls on my team were able to receive Eun-woo's spike, not even one guy was able to receive mine. I even inflated 11 balls but my arm felt awful. I was in pain the whole practice.

No one noticed

Walking home I had two gym bags on each side of my arms. I could barely hold either one. I struggled and struggled until I finally sat down right in the middle of the sidewalk helpless. I was busy feeling sorry for myself until I heard,

"Eleven balls inflated yet two gym bags can't be carried?"

I turned around and saw Eunwoo standing there.

"Shut up," I said with little energy

He kneeled beside me and looked at me,

"You don't know your own strength." He said

"Huh?" I asked confused

"Your left arm. It's strong, why'd you use it in practice?" He asked seriously for the first time

I sighed because I knew he was right, "I don't know, to prove something I guess..."

"Prove what ?" He asked

"Don't act dumb, you've been competing with me all day and taunting me, I just wanted to shut you up," I exclaimed

"You don't have to prove anything if you're already great, right ?" He said as picked up both of my bags and motioned for me to stand up.

We walked beside each other for a little.

"So where do you live? Your bags aren't exactly light." He asked

"If you wanna go just leave me right here," I said

He looked at me, "no" he said

"Why not," I said looking at him

"Because I said so"

"No, it's because you care" I teased "but seriously if your going out of your way you can leave me here. My arms feel better already." I said

"No, it's fine this is actually where I walk to get home ."

"Really?" I asked

He nodded

When we reached my house, my father was standing outside. I quickly grabbed my things and ran towards my house screaming thank you to him. Thank god my father didn't see us.

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