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After dinner, Lisa tried to sneak upstairs but she was stuck doing the dishes. Eun-woo's mom and dad went up to their room and I was just about to leave before Eunwoo grabbed my wrist dragging me somewhere.

"Where are we going ?" I asked out of breath

"To the basement" he said

"What! Why?" I asked frantically as we made our way down the steps . We finally stopped

He turned on the light and the basement was really huge. He began rummaging through a bunch of pictures, papers and documents . He finally pulled something out and gave it to me.

"Look," He said

I was confused, I didn't know who I was looking at, it just looked like 4 teenagers from the 80's.

"Who are they?" I asked confused

"Well, that's my dad" he pointed. "And that's my mom, and that's your dad too," he said smiling

"But there's one more woman ..." I said, realizing who it is.

"Y/N I think that's your mother." He said

I stood there staring at the picture of my young father and mother. It was so beautiful, my mother was so beautiful. She looked just like me, she was even tall like me too.

"Wow... I-i can't believe this." I was speechless

Eunwoo was smiling at me. And I looked up,
"Thank you so much for showing this to me," I said before hugging him. "Thank you so much" I repeated as tears of joy ran down my cheek.
I looked at the picture again,

"Wow, you look like your dad," I said examining the picture

"And you look just like your mom." He responded

"I know. I wish I knew her. She seems so amazing." I said admiring the picture.

"Like you," He said.

I looked up at him shocked.
"Huh?" I asked with wide eyes

"Y-you should get going. It's late." He said quickly before walking towards the stairs. But he suddenly stopped and said,
"Keep the picture."

I smiled and followed behind him. I said goodbye to Lisa who was still doing dishes because she was too distracted with dancing to her "washing dishes playlist."

As we got to the door, Eun-woo said,

"I'll walk you home."

"You don't have to, I'll be fine," I said

"No, I'll go. Just Incase."

We walked, and I was completely distracted by the photo. My mother who I had never seen before was so beautiful and seeing her and my father as a young couple was really cool for me.

"So, I know this might be a little sensitive to you but ...." eunwoo hesitated. "How did your father get thrown in jail? And how come you don't know your mother ?" He asked

"Well, it's a long story," I said

"I have time," He said smiling

I chuckled, "ok fine."

"When I was 4 and my brother was a few months old our dad was thrown in jail for business related things I guess. My mom, who according to my father is a worldwide known volleyball player couldn't take care of us alone since she traveled a lot so my aunt took us."

"I had visited my father often in prison but after my mom gave us to my aunt I never saw her again. My dad says she'll be back but I don't know...." I said

"Wait so you kinda know your mom?" Eunwoo asked

"I was so young. All the memories of her that I have are blurry and unclear. So I don't waste my time trying to remember." I said sighing

"So let's say your mom actually comes back, what would you do?" Eunwoo asked

"I don't know. I'd either hug her or scold her." I said

"Why'd you scold her ?!" He asked

"Because..... because she could have called!" I exclaimed startling Eun-woo. "She should have texted, or sent a letter! Or communicate with me in some type of way! But she just left me with no memory of her, what kind of mother does that ?!" I said angrily. "If I ever see her I'd ask her to why she visited me because I don't want to see her. I've survived long without her and I don't mind going my whole life." I said

Eunwoo turned to me and noticed I had tears in my eyes. "Listen," He said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "There's always a reason behind horrible actions," he said softly

"I hope so," I said as I laid my head back on his shoulder. "Do you think my shoulder is for your arm to rest?" I asked.

"Do you think my shoulder is for your head to rest?" He asked

We both laughed.

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