11)Monday morning

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Monday morning comes and I walk in to an absolute mess. No one will look me in the eye and there's an email in my inbox stating I have a meeting at noon. Im called to Mr. Samson's office prior to the meeting. I decide its best not to go so as I enter the conference room at noon his angry stature is understandable.

"We've come to the decision mutually I might add that your fired. Please collect your things and be gone by the end of the day." Mr Samson says. I'm smiling politely when I say.

"Sure but first I'd like to give something to HR while we are all here." And I slide a folder over. "This is everything you've asked me to collect over the years on everyone. I told you a few months ago I didn't have anything and I lied because I felt it wasn't my place to be that kind of person but with this unanimous decision I suppose I should share it with you." I can feel the room as a whole suck in a breath. "See the thing is ladies and gentlemen I've been here for years and most of that time none of y'all even knew I was there but I heard and saw and documented everything." Scott is suppressing a smile but I can see the worry in his eyes. "That's all. I'll be waiting down in HR's office when your done to fill out any paperwork." I leave and walk to my desk scribbling out a note for Scott.

'I know your worried but I left your stuff out I had to put something about you in there but it's just the normal stuff everyone already knew. I couldn't just leave you out it'd look suspicious. You're my friend and I know that wasn't a decision you wanted to make and I completely understand if you were bullied in to a yes. Good Luck I hope you keep me updated on your life. I'll always be an ear for you to talk off. Thanks for everything. Kels'

Everyone's watching as I pack my things. Kathy is sobbing. Being consoled by someone. Brandon walks to my desk and just leans on it. Watching while I work to clean out years of collected junk. The elevator doors open and I feel the air shift. I'm already smiling before I face them. All four of them stop when they see the boxes and see the room as a whole is sad.

"I thought you said you had something up your sleeve?" Ashton asks. I smile sadly.

"I do but I doubt I'll have a job after what I just gave HR and if they change their minds and want me to take my job back I probably wouldn't do it anyway. Despite what Mr. Samson said about the position he wanted me to take over when I started planning yalls party he'll never give it to me now. I'm sure of it." Brandon's eyes widen.

"You didn't Kels? You said you got rid of everything."

"Well I lied. I had a feeling I'd need it for leverage one day and that's exactly what I did. I have all the originals and they know it."

"Ok we are missing something what's going on?" Michael asks.

"Well over my long span at this company I've collected information and security footage of the main players in this company doing unspeakable things on company time and property. And I just gave it all to HR in front of them after they unanimously fired me." My phone rings.

"Hello." I answer.

"Yes Kelsie can you come back up to the conference room. Please." The HR lady asks me.

"Sure." I say and let them know I'm going back up there. Calum refuses to let me go by myself and in the end the whole of my office and my boys end up coming with. Once in there everyone's eyes widen. "I swear I tried to come alone." HR nods.

"Please sit. Everyone wait in the hall this will only take a minute." Calum sits down and crosses his arms as Ashton tries to force everyone out of the room. "Mr Hood. Please wait outside this doesn't concern you." She looks at me funny when I wince I feel the bodies reenter the room as Calum stands placing both hands on the table leaning toward her.

"Oh but it does don't you know why they wanted to fire her?" She opens her mouth looking confused.

"Because she's documented being late or tardy on more then the required times. She's shown unprofessionalism when she was required otherwise and from this paper work her party was a disaster." There are literal growls coming from the people behind me. and I have to pull Calum back in to his seat.

"No. HE wants her fired because he thinks she and I were together the whole time. I asked her out the morning after the fucking awesome party she planned for us. That she was unable to attend because her daughter had broken her arm. We started this as complete strangers and she has become one of my best friends and I'd very much like to spend the rest of my life with her." I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing.

"Cal? What?" He smiles at me squeezing my hand as he turns back to her.

"Well your opinion on the party shouldn't matter since your banging her." Mr Samson growls out and before anyone can move Brandon's hand lands on Calum's shoulder.

"If I were you sir I would keep my mouth shut."

"What's it to you." Brandon pulls out his phone. Places it on the table and presses the screen. There's a delay but then very clearly Mr Samson's voice.

"Daphne hold my calls. Yea man she's beautiful I told you she was. Well I just gave her a promotion. I'm hoping to have her nailed by the end of the month but it might take a a little longer. She's kinda a prude from what I hear. She has a kid and she's divorced." it's quiet for a second before he laughs. "Yes, I completely agree Kelsie is going to be a very good bang." It takes three of us to hold Calum down and I'm not trying very hard I'm staring dumbfounded at my boss as is the rest of the room. Some how no one thought to hold back Aston and Luke because they have him pinned against the wall and calum relaxes in his seat. Thing is no one thought to stop the recording. Another laugh and "yea man I totally think by giving her this promotion she'll be on her back when ever I want. Only problem is the guys we met with today pretty sure she's into at least one of them. They seemed to like her. I'll need to put a stop to it soon or I'll be fighting for her attention." I close my eyes and count to ten. I stand opening my eyes and walk to Aston and Luke placing my hands on either of their shoulders. I think they are trying to get him to apologize but all I hear is a ringing noise.

"My boys. My sweet sweet boys. Let him go. Please." They look at me and the tone of my voice I'm sure doesn't match the look on my face. They nod and walk behind me. I shake my head and start to turn around when I decide fuck it. And my fist connects with his nose. And I calmly walk to my seat pulling Calum up. I turn to the HR Lady. "Is that all? Can we go now?"

"We still need to fill out paper work but it won't be ready now till tomorrow we have to edit it and I'm sure Mr. Samson's father will want to speak with you tomorrow to discuss a payoff I mean buy out." And she smiles, winking at her blunder.

"Alright you have my number when your ready for me call me I'll come back in. I think we all need some time away from this. I'll collect my things and be on my way." She nods with no one else saying anything I vaguely hear Brandon quit as he leaves the room and follows us back downstairs to collect our things. There's tears and hugs as I leave from everyone. Scott's waiting by the elevator with the note I wrote in hand. the boys and Brandon going on down to the lobby to wait for me. I place one of the boxes from my desk down and hug him. When I pull back there's tears in his eyes.

"Ya big softy I'll be fine I meant what I said" and I gesture to the note.

"Yea I know you did and your right we were all bullied in to a unanimous yes. There wasn't one member other then Paul who wanted you gone and we were as blind sided as you by the accusations presented by HR. Though I'd have to say after you dropped your bomb not many wanted to take back their yes." He grins at me. "It didn't go unnoticed that you went easy on me. Paul brought it up but HR waved him off stating I was the only one that was ever nice to you so it's understandable you didn't want to throw me under the bus. Also said that I'd kept them informed about somethings that had been happening so they knew of everything going on with me. Which was so not true but his face was priceless."

"Well at least something good came from it." He smiles. And hands me something. "What's this?"

"A friend of mine owns his own planning company. It's not well known and he's just starting up. He could use your help. I called him this weekend and he expects your phone call. He wanted me to help him find good people to help and as much as it pains me to hand you over we both know you can't work for me anymore." I hug him one more time. Leaving a part of me behind in that office. And finding another part of me I thought I could never have waiting for me in the lobby. We leave the building all of us happier then ever.

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