1) Meetings

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Part 1

"Kelsie" my head snaps up from my doodle of a daisy.

"Yes sir?" The head of our event planning company is staring at me. I'm only filling in for my boss, Scott. He's out for a while and this was an uber important meeting of the department heads.

"We were wondering if your group could pick up the slack of everyone else we just had an important account open yesterday and everyone is busy. I know with Scott out for a few weeks you all don't have much to do. The event is in eight months. It's not a lot of time but I was hoping you could pull it off." I stare at him like he grew another head but then I laugh.

"Sure Mr. Samson. I think we could do it, but I'm not Scott I don't really know certain important protocols."

"Fantastic you'll do great. We all know your the reason his shit gets done anyway. We can help you with any questions you might have but we want you to learn the ropes. If this works out you'll be that floating department head we've been trying to hire for years. This is a charity event as well."

"Oh, um we don't usually handle those. I don't know anything about them."

"Here's my notes on what's worked in the past. And what had potential but didn't go as planned, those might need fresh eyes anyway. And the obvious of what not to do." Sheila states handing me a three ring binder.

"Thanks." I breath out. Wow this is too much. I was just supposed to take notes.

"Now I can rest a little easier thank you so much. They will be in today at 4 to start the ball rolling I'll work with you for the first couple meet and greets and show you how to write up the reports after your meetings to let everyone know your progress. Now one last thing before we move on. If for any reason you get overwhelmed please for the love of gawd let us know. We may have our own shit to worry about but we don't want you to drowned either. If the person you go to first cant help they will help you figure out who'd be free to help."

"Ok." And the meeting moves to other areas and what events are approaching. Once it's dismissed Mr. Samson asks me to stay behind.


"Yes. Let's walk to your department and I can help you explain what's going on I'm sure your still a little flustered. We kind of blind sided you in there."

"Yes you did. And that'd be great thanks." Blind sided is right I'm still having trouble breathing. Before I know it we are in my department and everyone turns to look at us scared. I'm with the big boss I'm sure it doesn't look good.

"Hey guys. Mr. Samson has an announcement and no you all are not getting fired......yet." And everyone laughs knowing I'm just trying to lighten to mood a little.

"Yes, right down to business then. Well we had a very high profile client come in yesterday and request our services. Their event is for a charity and its in eight months. Everyone else is swamped with other events and I know Scott's out but Kelsie here informs me that you all would love to help us out. She's going to be in charge of this one, so listen to her and if there's any problems let us know."

"No offense sir but she's the one that's usually in charge around here anyway. Scott hardly comes out of his office." Brandon speaks from the back of the room. Mr. Samson laughs.

"We are well aware of that thank you. That's a big reason why we are trusting her with this. Kelsie if you need anything, I mean it. Please let me know. I'll see you at 3:45 in conference room C. I like to be in the room before the client. Can't keep them waiting." I nod and he's gone. I turn wide eyed to my co workers.

"Holy shit guys. That came out of left field in there."

"What are you talking about, left field my ass. Brandon is right we follow your orders. I've been here three months and for the whole first month I thought you were my boss." Kathy the newest of my (Scott's) group states.

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