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It's the end March and tonight is the first night I've had off in a long time. Lex is staying at a friends tonight so at lunch I text all the boys individually to see what they say.

'So what's up tonight?' I don't want them to know I'm free if they have plans I don't want them to feel bad for it.

'There's a party tonight. Not looking forward to it but I don't have a choice' Calum was the first to respond.

Then Ashton's comes through making me roll my eyes. 'A FREAKING AWESOME PARTY. We are rewarding ourselves for some hard work. We'd have asked you to come but your always busy now a days.' Michael and Luke's are much the same as Ashton's.

'Have fun' is my response to all. Calum responds with a gif of Harry Potter rolling his eyes. The others send thumbs ups. I go back to work at little sad that I don't have plans. When Brandon finds out I'm not doing anything he lets it slip to Kathy who had asked me earlier to a party tonight. Even though I'm not feeling it I'm gonna go. I need a night off and hopefully it won't be to awful.

I get dressed wearing a navy lace halter top sleeveless dress with a cream underlay that stops just above my knee and is formed to fit my body, showing off all my curves. I lightly curl my hair. My eyeshadow makes my green eyes pop and bright red lips to finish it off.

The girls pick me up around ten. As soon as I'm in the car I know it's gonna be a long night. They remind me of those woo girls on How I Met Your Mother. They've not really said anything just screamed, hooted and hollered. I just hope I'm not joining in by the end of the night. Once we get to the party there is so many people. Im slowly creeping away from the crowd I came with. I'm almost overwhelmed as my eyes travel around the room then I see my boys. Suddenly I feel the pain of thousands of knives stabbing my chest as I see Calum with his arm around a beautiful girl. Just as my eyes move to relieve the pain they catch Ashton's. Realizing I have to push down the feelings I laugh and force myself to smile as I make my way to them. He's just my friend, I keep telling myself. Everyone's sitting around three couches. I give a small shy wave to Ashton. Just as I open my mouth to great them all Calum's eyes light up when they land on me and he jumps up to hug me. I laugh and hug him back.

"Hey" I smile

"Hey back." He says as they all get up to hug me. I'm hugging Luke last as Kathy is yelling my name. I roll my eyes as I push away from Luke gently letting my arms fall and turn to see her stop in her tracks.

"Oh hey guys didn't know you would be here guess we've lost you for the night Kels?" Kathy smiles and I nod and she's off with her group of friends.

"Y'all don't know how happy I am to see you. Brandon let it slip I was free tonight and Kathy wouldn't take no for an answer. It's so good to see you." I look back at Luke who's still standing close to me.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier you were free we would have invited you. Damn I'd have had a lot more fun if you'd been here this whole time." Calum looks at me. I just smile and shrug. The girl he's sitting next to pouts but doesn't really seem all that bothered. I can't focus on him right now I'm barley keeping it together.

"Well it's good your here all these terrible friends of mine are hooking up with someone and I'm all alone. You can keep me company as they enjoy them selves." Luke tells me. He makes Calum scoot over which just makes the girl closer to him and I have to force myself not to look. I sit and am introduced to the girls and their other friends. All I remember is the one clinging to Calum is called Krissy.

Calum and Ashton got everyone a round of drinks. Their girls all requested frilly drinks and were confused why they didn't ask what I wanted. Calum hands me a beer as he passes out the drinks and the girls turn their noses at me. The girl next to Ashton looks done with it.

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