alternate ending.

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Your soft breathing as you sleep... your calm face, unknowing of our situation.
It's almost enough to make me stay.
But not enough.
The wind blows the curtains into the room, your hair sliding down your forehead.
You're so pretty. So strong. You'll be the leader they need.

It's okay that I'm leaving. My king needs me... my other king...

No matter what he does to us, we're loyal. My mark is the proof.

So promise me, that when you wake up, you won't remember our history. You'll continue ruling this world at peace, without me.


He blows soft silver dust from his hands onto the sleeping man. Garroth stirs in his sleep... his eyes soon relaxing again.

Laurance pulls himself up onto the sil, looking back once at what he's leaving.

And then he's gone. Back to the way the world was.. before chapter one.

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