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Laurance's POV

"Laurance, are you seriously gonna go to the wedding? You know that our kind aren't allowed there.." Cadenza grabs my arm, turning me to face her. I sigh and turn my whole body. "Cad, if you're so worried about my well-being then why don't you join me?" I point out the obvious without actually saying it, she was jealous. She giggles and smiles, before quickly returning her straight face. "Of course. I am your older sister so as of right now... I'M GOING TO THE WEDDING YESSS!" She jumps aroumd, giving me a chance to escape. My bare feet padding along the cold floor as I run up the small stairway. Opening a old oak chest Cadenza greets me. "I see you found dads' suit box." Cad sits next to me and pulls out a smaller box. "Yea, I was planning on wearing his uniform. Nothing too formal since we'll be in the backround." I say; pulling out a pair of leggings. Cadenza carries the smaller box out and closes my door. How the hell do I put this on..?

"CAD! I FINALLY GOT IT ON!" I yell down the hall. Cadenza peaks out of the messroom and smiles. "Okay I'll be there in a sec." She replies. I turn and look in the mirror. I had put dads' guard uniform on. The leggings were an exceptional egg shell white, with a few black straps that originally held daggers. A harness was wrapped around my shoulders. Though, I wouldn't be hanging off a tree today; so I took the hook off. The vest had a few badges on it. I thought I looked great. "Wow, you look like.. dad." Cadenza says, placing her hand on my shoulder. I beam and look at her attire. She wore a pretty violet dress, with light fabric that seemed to float in the air with ease. Her hair was wavy, accompanied by small flower vines jutting through the occasional strand. "You look stunning yourself." I smile and look out the window. I knew, that in that tall tower, a handsome prince was getting prepared to be a king.

Garroth's POV

"Zane! Vylad!" I yell. Vylad comes running, pulling Zane alongside with him. "Garroth, are you ready?" Vylad is practically bouncing off the walls. I sigh and nod. The pair runs off again. Not even 10 minutes later Dante comes in. "Gar, last posture check. Hair? Clothes? Words?" Dante messes with my hair, flipping one strand to one side, another strand to the other. "Okay, good. Be ready, the march is about to begin." Dante runs off without even waiting for response. "....okay.." I say to no one.
Tucking the small black cross into my shirt I stand at the door to the podium. I'm ready..


The march began, I looked down the aisle and saw the doors open with grace. The flower girls led to the bridesmaids.. the bridesmaids to the bride.. uck. The fabric of their dresses seemed like it was connected it was so long. Finally they took position.


"You may now, kiss the bride."
Ivy wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. The power it took not to shove her off was tremendous. She finally separated and grabbed my hand. I faked a smile and started walking back down the aisle. Hand in hand we exited the hall. "Okay Gareth, I'm gonna go groom myself," she snorted, "groom, hah, get it?" She skipped off to who knows where, giving me a chance to run. Dashing up the hall I took sanctuary in my room; with a locked door.
"That bad huh?" A voice whispers. I whip around to see Laurance smiling a sad smile.. why? "L-laurance..! You came!" I smile and hug him. He pats my back slowly. I continue to squeeze the smaller boy. His arms still around myself. "Turn down the gay please." Hyper giggles from the door. I stand up and smile. "How did you get here?" I ask her, sitting down. She holds up a small metal rod. "I can pick locks." She shoves the rod back into her pocket. "Please close and lock the door again, Garroth is clearly trying to hide from his wife." Laurance jokes. Hyper pulls the door shut and sits down on the bench. "I've come to crash your party Laurance." An unfamiliar voice says. I look to the window and see a girl with radiant orangish hair standing in the frame. "Cad, where's your dress?" Laurance asks. "You think I would climb a tower in that thing? Hell no." 'Cad' sits next to Hyper smiling. "Hi, I'm Cadenza. That losers' older sister. I don't remember wether we've met or not." Cadenza stands up and shakes my hand. She then turns to hyper. "And you're..?" Cad asks. "H-hyper." Hyper mumbles. I smile and lay down.. "GARETH OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR OR THIS IS OVER!!" Ivy screeches. I sigh and walk over to the door. "Ready for this, guys?" I turn to the group. They look at eachother and nod. Slowly I opened the door..

Aaaand I'm leaving it off there. Tbh while I was describing Laurance's uniform I was thinking of the survey corp. Uniform XD sorry if it's too similar. I TRIED.


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