Chapter 6: Secret's Uncovered

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Y/N woke up to Luna's frantic calling. She opened her eyes and looked at her Exceed friend who facing the forest around them calling to Shadow. Y/N slowly sat up and asked her. "Hey What's wrong?"

"Shadow is missing." Luna told her with her voice breaking.

"What?!" Y/N asked with wide eyes. She desperately looked around her, remembering Shadow was with her last. However, Shadow wasn't there. "Where could he have gone?!"

"I... I don't know." Luna stated as she shook her head.

"We have to find him!" Y/N stated as she began to stand however fell down.

"Y/N?!" Luna looked back at her hearing her fall. Luna ran over when she noticed Y/N not getting back up. "Y/N are you okay? Say something!"

"My legs..." Y/N began horrified with wide eyes, "I can't... feel my legs..."

Luna looked back towards her legs and her eyes widened in terror and disbelief. "Uh..."

Y/N looked back and her eyes widened as well when she saw her legs disappearing and reappearing at a slow rate. Y/N quickly looked away from her legs and put her forehead against the ground, knowing her time was slipping. Y/N clinched her fists as she told Luna. "We have to find Shadow."

"You can't go anywhere in this condition, Y/N."

"What about Shadow?! We have to find him, Luna! Who knows what trouble he's gotten himself in to?!"

"I know we have to find him, Y/N! He's the only family I have left and the only thing I have left of my husband since his family ran off with everything he had. However, you can't go anywhere! You're in no condition to travel!"

"Since when did my condition ever stop me from doing anything?! Luna, you have to let me come!"

"I can't!"

"Please, Luna!"


"Why does my condition matter?! I'll be dead in an hour anyways!"

An uncomfortable silence arose between the two of them. Y/N didn't mean to tell Luna how much time she had left, however it sort of slipped out. Luna then asked emotionlessly. "An hour?"

"..." Y/N said nothing. She just stared at the ground, knowing Luna would get the hint.

With Natsu...

Natsu sniffed the air still trying to catch any scent of Y/N or the exceeds. So far, he hasn't been lucky. Happy flew by his side looking around for any sign of them but found nothing. "Natsu, do you think they even went this way?"

"I don't know. It would help if I could—." Natsu stopped suddenly and pulled Happy behind a tree. He peeked our from behind and saw three individuals walking through the forest.

"Are you sure it's around here?" Kara asked with a bored tone.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go home." The golden haired woman sighed.

"We aren't leaving until we find that box, Kara, Stella! That box will ruin everything if it reaches Noctua or some celestial wizard!" The man shouted in annoyance and anger.

"Yeah, but that black kitty took off with it." Kara pointed out.

Black kitty? Natsu frowned in confusion.

"Then we find the cat and destroy him!" The man roared. "That box doesn't get anywhere near Y/N or a celestial wizard besides ourselves! Now keep looking! He landed around here somewhere!"

Natsu then heard something and looked to see Shadow hiding, hiding a small rectangular box. He looked beaten however his grip on the box looked strong. Natsu noticed the tears in Shadow's closed eyes while gripped the box tighter. Natsu stared at the box and wondered. What's in that box?

"Okay?" Stella shrugged with annoyance before she began to look around. "I swear, if we had destroyed her key right this wouldn't even be happening. It's all your spirit's fault, Kara! If you had destroyed Vespa's key first, she wouldn't have been able to stop Zane from destroying and sealing Noctua's key and spirit properly. Now there's another key and it's in the box THAT LITTLE FELINE HAS!"

Natsu's eyes widened and looked toward Shadow. Natsu looked and nodded towards Happy who nodded back with a smile. It was time to be ninja. Happy flew into the tree, being covered by the leaves. Natsu pst towards Shadow, catching his attention. Natsu put a finger to his lips telling him to be quiet. Natsu then wrapped his scarf around his head like...


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Shadow smiled and nodded slowly until they heard footsteps coming this way. "It doesn't matter who's fault it is. All that matters is that box is found before it has the chance to fall into the wrong hands." Natsu peeked and saw the man right there with his eyes closed. "We can't allow Noctua to survive. If she does then our plan would have been for nothing."

Noctua? That's Y/N's celestial spirit name. What do they want with her? Natsu wondered before noticing Happy was now isn't he tree where Shadow was under. Happy waited for the signal from Natsu to pick up Shadow and fly.

"Yeah, then we'd have to hunt her down and do it all over again." Kara sighed annoyed. "It was such an annoyance doing it with the spirits before them. What were they called? The Royal Keys?"

"Yeah, the Royal Keys allowed us to summon the Royal spirits like the Celestial Spirit King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Dutches, etc. We tried doing it to them and got all but one. The Celestial Spirit King." Stella replied with a laugh. "Isn't it hard to believe that we're the freakin reason he no longer has a key?!"

Mustache man had a key?! Natsu thought with disbelief.

"However, because of his power and whatever, he was able to survive and get back to the celestial world where he is living normally. Now he can only be summoned if you break a gold key." Kara nodded at Stella's statement. "We've come a long way to try and become mortal again."

They're immortal?! Natsu thought shocked with eyes wide.

"'Destroy an entire line of keys and your mortality will be returned along with everything else we have taken from you. If you don't, you will remain in this state forever...' My, such an annoyance." Stella recited with another sigh.

"Enough chatting, let us continue our search." The men began to walk forward, towards Shadow and Natsu.

Natsu jumped out and punched Zane hard in the jaw. Natsu then yelled to Happy in a serious tone while his scarf went back to around his neck. "Get out of here, Happy! Get that box to Lucy!"

"Aye sir!" Happy flew down and picked up Shadow before taking off.

"The box! Stella, Kara, get that box!" Zane yelled at the top of his lungs.

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