Chapter 3: The Other Spirits

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In the Spirit World...

Loke was walking around before he stopped. Aries and Virgo noticing Loke and his confused face. Virgo then asked. "What's wrong, brother?"

"This pressure..." Loke mumbled as he felt a familiar pressure as Lucy entered the guild. "Don't you guys feel it?"

"Yes..." Virgo narrowed her eyes as she sensed it. "I sense it."

"Is this even possible?" Aquarius asked as she appeared with Scorpio. "She was supposably removed with the other crimson key spirits."

"I'm not sure. However if it is her..." Loke trailed off as he closed his eyes with a serious tone, "we should tell the King immediately."

Back in Earthland...

"Hey, Everyone!" Lucy entered the guild with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Lucy!" Natsu smiled as he walked over to her.

"Lucy!" Happy hugged her. "Guess what? We found a strange girl!"

"Yeah?" Lucy asked as she tilted her head. She then noticed Luna talking to the other Exceeds while Shadow was messing with Lily's rounded ears and asking why they were so round. "Are those Exceeds with the strange girl?"

"Aye!" Happy nodded. "That's Luna and her kid Shadow!"

"I see. So where's the new girl? I'd love to meet her!" Lucy smiled as she looked at them.

"She's resting." Wendy told Lucy with a slight smile. "She's very weak."

"Any idea what's wrong with her?" Lucy asked Wendy worriedly.

"She might just be tired but I think there's more to it." Wendy told them. "Also, she smelt strange."

"She did smell strange." Gajeel commented as he stopped next to Natsu. "I caught a whiff of her when she entered. She smells as strange as Loke."

"Is she a celestial Spirit?!" Lucy asked with her eyes glowing.

Y/N heard this question from the infirmary and began to worry a bit. Natsu then shouted. "That's why she smelt strange!"

"Now I really wanna met her! Wait... where's her Celestial spirit holder? She can't just be out by herself." Lucy stated as she touched her keys. She then gasped as she wondered. "What if she's in the same predicament as Loke was?! What if she 'killed' her owner and is now forbidden to step foot in the Celestial World?!"

Leo?! Y/N's eyes widened when she felt his presence appear.

"Loke?! What are you...?!" Lucy began.

"Where's the new girl?!" Loke asked seriously. 

"Uh... she's in the infirmary sleeping." Wendy pointed to the infirmary.

Loke then ran in that direction. "Wait, Loke!" Lucy ran after him.

Y/N got out of bed quickly and looked for a way out. She saw the window and opened it. She ran out just as Loke came in the infirmary. He saw her running and yelled. "Noctua!"

Luna appeared and flew out after Y/N while Shadow just watched his mother. "Shadow! Come on!" Luna yelled to his son, aware of him not moving.

"Coming!" Shadow flew after his mother.

Loke went to go after her when Lucy stopped him and asked. "Loke, what's going on?! Who is that?!"

Loke looked in the direction Y/N ran before he sighed and he looked back at Lucy. "It's a long story..."

With Y/N...

Y/N ran through the forest as fast as she could, not daring to look back. That was close. I didn't realize they had a celestial wizard there. If I did, I wouldn't have gone. They're so rare now days I thought that magic died off. Guess not. Y/N stopped after a while and fell on her knees. Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius... Everyone. Tears filled her eyes. I can't face them. I just can't, not without Vespa and the others but... Y/N began to sob, they're gone. They're all gone! My friends... my fellow crimson spirits...

"Y/N!" Luna landed next to Y/N as Shadow landed on the other side. "Are you okay?!"

"No..." Y/N shook her head. "I can't... I can't look them in the eye..."

"Y/N, you did nothing wrong." Luna told Y/N.

"I ran!" Y/N shouted. "I stood and watched as my fellow spirits died! It's my fault... I should've helped them..."

"Even if you did fight, you'd probably be in the same situation you're in now!" Luna snapped at Y/N with her arms crossed. "There's no telling if anything would've changed."

"Probably not. My friends would still be gone and I'd still be slowly dying..." Y/N whispered to Luna to avoid Shadow hearing but he heard anyway.

"N/N... is dying?" Shadow began as he sniffled. Y/N and Luna both looked at Shadow sadly as a few tears escaped his eyes. "But... you can't. I lost papa already... I don't wanna lose you two, N/N."

"I'm sorry, Shadow..." Y/N looked at Shadow with a sad face. "I didn't realize you had such good hearing."

Luna went over and hugged Shadow who began to sob uncontrollably. Luna looked at Y/N and asked. "So what now?"

"Get far away from the other spirits as possible." Y/N told Luna as Y/N tried to stand up but failed. "I guess... I can't go anywhere on my own. I'm getting so weak..."

"It's okay, Y/N. That's why we're here." Luna told as she picked up Y/N while Shadow cuddled into Y/N's arms, clinging on for dear life.

"Don't die..." Shadow sniffled as he buried his face into her shirt. "I don't wanna lose you like I did papa." Y/N weakly stroked the young Exceed, trying to comfort him. Luna told Y/N her husband, Shadow's father, had gotten sick and didn't survive the treatment they were doing on him. Y/N felt bad for Shadow. He was so young and yet he's already experiencing the loss of those close to him. Y/N wanted to tell Shadow everything would be okay, but then... she'd be lying to him.

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