Chapter 1: Everyday Travel

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I know you're not a dragon slayer, but... who said a spirit can't have a little buddy? Anyway onto the story...

Deep within the forest, a woman with H/C hair up to her B/P with E/C eyes was walking through with her shaking paled S/T legs. She wore an O/C outfit with O/C shoes. She was tired of walking, tired of everything. She closed her eyes as she gripped the tree she leaned against as she stopped walking. She stared up at the morning sky before closing her eyes at the brightness.

She felt a presence next to her and looked down to see her best friend, Luna the Exceed looking up at her with worry while her son, Shadow, was staring at his mother and then at the woman. Luna had midnight blue fur and black orbs full of worry while she wore a black dress and a black ribbon on her tail. Shadow had black fur with black eyes with white paws. He wore dark red pants and a white top. Y/N met them while traveling and they decided to help her. Y/N was sadden by one of the many reasons for them helping her. The woman smiling weakly at the Exceeds before she pushed herself to stand upright and began to walk again.

"You sure you don't want me to carry you, Y/N?" Luna asked as she walked next to Y/N, holding Shadow's paw.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Y/N nodded slowly.

"You desperately need rest." Luna told Y/N.

"Oh, Luna," Y/N stopped and knelt while looking at the Exceed, "no matter what I do, I'm going to be tired."

Luna looked at the ground sadly while Shadow looked at them confused. Luna knew about Y/N and her condition and was sad she could do nothing. Y/N wanted to scoop up the Exceed but knew she hardly had strength in her arms let alone her legs. Y/N went to get back up but ended up falling to the ground again. Luna picked Y/N up and began to fly her on the path they were walking on while Shadow rode on his mother's back. Y/N looked at Luna who looked down at Y/N. "Do you know how long you have left?"

"Mm..." Y/N looked at the ground below her sadly. "No, I don't."

"Mama, what's wrong with N/N?" Shadow asked while looking down at Y/N from Luna's back. Y/N smiled at the cute nickname Shadow has given her.

"She's very weak, Shadow." Luna told Shadow with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Is she weak because she's hungry?" Shadow asked curiously.

"If only, Shadow." Luna sighed sadly. "If only."

Soon, after flying for so long, they arrived at a town. Y/N told Luna to put her down so they don't attract to much attention. Luna hesitated before listening. Y/N walked weakly through town with Luna and Shadow close to her. They decided to grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants and went inside. They sat at one of the booths and waited for the waiter. Y/N smiled as she watched Shadow watch curiously out the window as people walked by. Luna had to tell him to not touch the glass, but him being a kid, he didn't listen.

Y/N laughed weakly as Shadow started making silly faces in the window at the people looking at him while laughing at the faces he made or getting a bit uncomfortable with them. Luna traded places with him so he couldn't do it anymore, causing him to pout. Finally the waiter came and took their orders before heading to the back, but not before asking if Y/N was alright. Y/N nodded and told him she hasn't been sleeping too well the last few nights.

Shadow watched the man disappear and wondered what was on the other side of he doors. He tried to sneak off but his mother grabbed him by the tail and said. "Uh Uh, Don't even think about it, Shadow."

"Awe mama." Shadow pouted while looking at her.

Y/N smiled at them as she stated. "Shadow, you're so adorable."

"Mm." Shadow blushed embarrassed and rejected. "I'm not adorable, I'm vicious."

"That's true, you're viciously adorable." Y/N winked at him, making him blush even more and hide his face by hugging his mother and moving his head so that they could see the back of it. Luna and Y/N just laughed before their orders finally came. Y/N ate her F/F and drank her F/D, savoring the taste of her favorite drink and food in a peaceful silence. After they finished eating, Y/N did feel a bit more energized but not by much. They paid for their food before the left the restaurant. Y/N smiled as she looked down at Luna. "I'm feeling a little more energized now."

"That's good." Luna smiled at Y/N happily. Shadow saw something and walked off in that direction. Luna barely saw him and turned and yelled. "Shadow! Where are you going?!"

However, Shadow already disappeared. Y/N and Luna looked at each other before hurrying after him. They looked through the crowd of people for him but couldn't find him. They heard him laughing and followed it to see Shadow talking to blue Exceed with a green pack on his back. Happy and Shadow started laughing at something while Natsu knelt and looked at Shadow as he asked. "Are you here all by yourself?"

"No, Mama is here." Shadow answered him.

"And she's disappointed." Luna appeared next to Shadow who looked at her. "What have I told you about walking off alone?"

"Sorry, Mama." Shadow pouted.

"Hm?" Natsu noticed Y/N who leaned against the wall while watching Luna and Shadow. "Hey, you okay?" Natsu asked noticing her weak form.

Luna and Shadow looked back at Y/N who responded. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Natsu, she looks pale." Happy whispered to Natsu a bit worried.

"Are ya sick?" Natsu asked Y/N as he walked over to her.

"No, I'm not sick..."

"You smell funny." Natsu frowned as he sniffed her.

In an instant, Luna scratched his cheek while yelling. "Don't go sniffing her, you pervert!"

"What's a pervert, Mama?" Shadow asked his mother.

"I'll tell you when you're older." Luna told him.

"Is it bad?"

"Very." Happy whispered to Shadow. "Natsu's a bad person because he's a pervert."

"The heck?! I'm a good person and I'm not a pervert!" Natsu yelled as he gave Luna a look.

Y/N felt light headed and Luna noticed. "Are you okay, Y/N?"

"Yeah, just a little..." Y/N collapsed.

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