Chapter 4: What Happened

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Loke was leaning against the table with his arms crossed while everyone looked at him confused. They didn't understand anything that just happened at all. Loke appearing out of nowhere, Y/N running through the window, Loke calling out Noctua. Lucy looked at Loke and asked. "Loke, tell us please. I don't understand. Is she a celestial spirit?"

Loke closed his eyes as he began. "Years ago, way before Aries and I became Karen's spirits, there was another set of celestial keys. They were called crimson keys. These keys were stronger than the silver, but weaker than the Zodiac. There was very few of these keys because the keys kept disappearing for unknown reasons, along with the spirits."

"Keys and spirits disappearing?" Lucy questioned confused.

"Any idea what caused them to vanish?" Gray asked looking at Loke.

"No." Loke shook his head. "However, something happened and the remaining keys were summoned all at once to this world... and none had came back."

Lucy covered her mouth and asked. "None?!"

Loke shook his head slowly as he opened his eyes. "Over time, they were long forgotten to wizards. However, we spirits remember them, at least one of them anyway. Noctua the Owl Spirit, or the girl that just ran out of the infirmary through a window, she just may be the last of the crimson spirits."

"The last one?" Erza questioned with her arms crossed.

"You can't remember the others?" Wendy asked confused recalling Loke said he can only remember one of them.

"Hardly." Loke nodded. "It's like almost all our memories were wiped. Luckily the Spirit King was able to restore some of our memories of them."

"Why is she so weak?" Happy asked Loke.

"My guess she's been here too long and is beginning to fade." Loke sighed sadly.

"If she's a Spirit why wouldn't she go back to the Spirit world?!" Natsu asked as he slammed his hand on the table. "Won't that restore her strength?!"

"I don't know why she won't go back to the Celestial World. However, I'm sure if she could, she would." Loke told Natsu.

"So what? Something's holdin her back?!" Natsu asked a bit rough.

"Natsu, Calm down." Erza told him seriously.

Lucy stared at the ground with her bangs covering her eyes before she whispered. "Her key..." everyone looked at her as she looked up with tears in her eyes and asked loudly. "Where is her key?! If I make a contract with her, maybe that'll allow her to return! Where is it, Loke?! You have to tell me!" Lucy told him as she put her hands on his shoulders as he didn't say anything. "I saved you, I can save her too! Please, Loke..."

"I'm sorry, no one knows what happened to their keys." Loke replied sadly. "It's been unknown for a while now."

Lucy's eyes widened before she put her arms to her side. Her once relaxed hand turned into a fist. "Fine, then I'll find Y/N and I'll force her gate open." Lucy turned and grabbed Natsu. "Natsu, I need you to track Y/N."

"Got it!" Natsu ran into the infirmary with Happy, Lucy, and the rest of team Natsu. Loke just sighed sadly as he looked at the ground before returning to the Spirit world.

To Y/N...

Y/N leaned against a tree with Shadow asleep on her lap and Luna making some food. Y/N stared at the sky above her as she wondered. "Hey, if Leo tells them what happened, what do you think Fairy Tail will do?"

"Well, knowing their reputation, I'd say they'll try to help you get back home."

"But can't they see... I can't." Y/N's voice broke. "My key... it was destroyed and sealed away so another key wouldn't pop up. For some reason, I wasn't sent back to the Spirit world. I just remained..."

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