Part 15

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I'm sure this needs editing
New York
"It's so lively. I love it here" i said as I looked out the window from the hotel.
"We been here 5 seconds and you talking about you live it here" keith said as he brought our bags in. We finally made it after me going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to leave my babies. This is the first time I've been away from them. How was I going to make it through the next 3 days without my kids.
"Keith I miss my babies"
"Chill we just got here. When we settle in we will call them" he said.
"So when is this party?"
"Tomorrow on the boat but tonight they want to meet up at the club" he said going into the closet we had.
"The club? I never even been to a club"
"You'll be fine. Plus we in VIP so it'll be cool." He told me.
"Aren't you a bit old to be partying with them?"
"You tryna call me old?" He said lifting me from my seat and tickling me.
" are kind of old thou bro"
He stopped and threw me on the bed making me laugh harder.
"First off I'm not your bro. Secondly you love my old ass and this old dick I be giving you so shut the hell up" he laughed and went to get an outfit for later.
"I don't know what to wear"
"Wear something nice. Don't be out there dressed like a thot though." He said.
"How do you know the players?"
"One time i was at a shoot and I seen Odell and Sterling doing a shoot too. We ended up going out later that night and we been cool since." He explained.
"Oh. I don't even watch football. I don't even know who those people are."
"They're good people. No worries. Let's take a nap" he laid down and pulled me close. We talked a little and then went to sleep.
When I woke up keith wasn't here but I just started getting ready for the night. Since Lani I haven't really snapped back the way I wanted to so getting dressed was hard for me sometimes. I settled on a short dress and some heels just to be simple.

"Why are you here?" I said as I looked her in the face.
"I just needed to see you" She said trying to touch me but I backed up.
"So you flew 3 hours just to see me? Bullshit"
"Keith don't act like this now. Last time you seemed to love my presence. Or do i need to remind you?" She said pulling me by my shirt closer to her.
"That was a mistake. As far as I know it never happened."
"Mhm all that yummy cum you spilled down my throat trust me it happened and it'll happen again." She kissed my neck and walked off.
"Fuck" I yelled and went to the bar. I fucked up. Like i really fucked up. I took a few shots and went back to the room. When I walked in I seen Y/N dancing in the mirror while she fluffed her hair. I stepped behind her so she can bounce that phatty on daddy.
"Mmm just like that. Fuck the club we can party right here"
"No Keith I actually want to go now" she said sitting to out on her shoes. "Ready?"
"Yeah lets go" and we left out.
When we stepped inside the club everybody was already lit. We walked to the section and was greeted by Sterling first.
"Yoooo Powers wassup glad you made it!" He pretty much yelled.
"Wassup bro."
"Damn this you?" He said looking at Y/N who was standing behind me kind of.
"Yeah so stay away"
"Mmhm cool" he walked off.
"Don't play that shy act."
"I'm not just didn't want to interrupt" she said.
"Aye lets do shot!" Somebody yelled and shots were passed around. We took them and everything started to loosen up.
"Babe I'm going to go to the bathroom" she walked off.
"Good she's gone" i heard and looked to where it came from and instantly got mad.
"Are you stalking me? How did you even get in here?"
"I have my ways. Let's dance" she said trying to pull me up.
"No. Get away from me" I don't hit women but she was pushing me.
"No. I said let's dance" she semi yelled.
"Get the hell away from me" I said and pushed her but not too hard. She stumbled back and bumped into Sterling. He helped her and then walked off with him.
"Yeah them one hand catches be crazy. At first I wasn't sure who you were when he told me but now that I see you I know exactly who you are" I heard Y/N say as she talked to Odell.
"Yeah practice and now it just comes natural and you know these 10in hands help too" He said winking at her and I saw her blushing.
"Hey stop making my wife man"
"Oh wassup dawg. What can I say? I have that effect on women" he said.
"He's funny. He was coming out the bathroom and helped me get back here."
"Congratulations on the new baby brotha i know how much you said you wanted a baby. Dreams come true" he said shaking my hand.
"Yeah the right person comes and everything else falls in place." I told him and I felt guilt hit me in the face. "I need some air babe I'll be back in a minute"

Keith walked away before I could even respond but he did look a bit sick. I sat in the seat and Odell sat next to me.
"What's wrong with him?" He asked.
"I have no idea. We might be leaving soon he doesn't look too good."
"Yes take care of your king." He said clapping his hand. I like him. In the time we talked he kept me laughing.
"Yeah I have to. He took care of me and my son when we needed someone the most so it's the least I can do. That's my baby"
"I'm glad he has you. I remember him telling us about that other chick." He laughed.
"Yeah I know."
"Hey y'all" some girl sat next to us.
"Hey" we both said.
"Girl that dress is so cute. It fits you well too"'she said.
"Thanks. Yours is too"
"Thanks. I'm Kim" she held her hand out for me to shake.
"Cute name. You from here?" Kim asked
"No just visiting. I live in LA"
"Girl me too. We should hang out" she said.
"Sure take my number and we can link up"
I put my number in her phone and she got up.
"Ok girl I'll see you around." She left.
"Friendly much" Odell said.
"Yeah I know" I saw keith walk up.
"You ready?" He asked.
"Yes bye Odell"
"So shawty can be friends with you but not me" he made a fake sad face.
"We followed each other on the gram we will be in touch friend" I hugged him and walked out with Keith.
"I see you two hit it off" he said as he held the door for me.
"Yeah he's cool. I met a girl too"
"Aww I'm proud you're making friends. Time for you to get from up under daddy" he laughed.
"Bye nigga. Her name is Kim. She lives in LA too. We are going to hang out"
"Kim? Oh ok that's good" he said pulling off. The rest of the ride was silent.

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