Part 7

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"Guess what" Keith said while pushing the shopping cart through the market. He said he was bored so I told him tag along to the market with me.
"Really? You're so mature. But no really guess what?" He said.
"Ok what"
"I'm having a baby!" He said excited.
"You're having a baby?" I said patting his belly. "Where is it coming out? It's going to hurt"
"Why are you like this?" He laughed. "You know what I mean silly"
"Omg keith that's great I'm so happy for you congratulations!" I hugged him.
"Thanks." He said.
"How'd you find out?"
"I found the papers and asked about them. She said she was going to tell me but I had already seen them. You know I've been waiting on this baby since forever." He said happily.
"E will have a play buddy finally"
"Yes he will. How are you and Matt?" He asked.
"We are good. He's been around a lot lately. Proving himself everyday." I said reaching to the top shelf for some pasta but I couldn't get it.
"I got it" He said getting the box. "Here midget. You need to grow some more"
"Shut up. You two should come over for dinner.  That would be fun. Finally getting some friends."
"Yeah we should. Let me tell Jill to get ready" he said pulling his phone out walking off to call her. "She said Sure."
"Great. I'll make something special"
We finished getting everything and went to the cars. I had recently got my license so Matt brought me a car finally. He was surprised i could already somewhat drive. Got it on my first try too.
"You just remember who taught you how to drive" he said putting the last bag in the car.
"Yeah yeah yeah. I'll see you later Keith"
"Damn no hug?" He said looking fake sad.
"You might have coodies. Don't touch me"
"Again why are you like this"'he laughed pulling me into a hug. I had got a tingling feeling. I didn't want to let go.
"Ok let me go girl" He said laughing.
"Sorry. See you in a bit friend" i said starting the engine and driving off. When i got home I heard Matt on the phone with someone.
"Hey baby girl" he said pulling the phone away.
"Hey. We are having dinner company." I said walking off letting him finish his conversation.
"Who?" He said walking up behind me.
"Keith and Jill"
"Keith and Jill? Why?" He questioned.
"Because I invited them. We never have company."
"Ok that's fine I guess." He said pulling me into his chest.
"Can I help you?"
"Actually you can" He said rubbing his bulge on my butt. "Baby you got so thick. What you been eating?"
"Food that's it" i said pushing myself forward to get off of him. We might be back on good terms but we still aren't having sex. He hasn't earned that yet. We need to build on our emotional and mental relationship before we get back to being physical.
"Why you always do that?" He asked.
"Matt you know what I said. We aren't having sex yet. I'm not ready for that yet"
"You act like we aren't married and like we never did it before" he said sounding irritated.
"I get that but I'm not there yet ok?"
"I understand baby. Can I at least get a kiss?" He asked.
"Sure. Kissing is fine" I said looking him in his eyes. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't fine. He was fine as hell. Tall clear brown skin nice white teeth with a perfect smile. He was just so dumb at times. I kissed him and this was the first time in a long time. It was nice. Of course he took it to another level and started to go down to my neck.
"I missed this so much baby" he said between kisses. I tried to hold back a moan but it slipped out. I felt him smile against my skin. He lifted me up on the counter and looked at me.
"Nothing I'm just taking in your beauty. Still as beautiful as the day I met you. I've messed up so much. I hate myself so much for everything" he dropped his head down and put his hands on my thighs. "I wish I could take it all back. All you ever did was love me. You had my first child. You trusted me enough to put everything you wanted on hold to take care of me and Ellis. Baby I regret it all" he finished and I felt my thighs getting wet. He was crying.
"Matt stop crying. It hurts me more than it hurts you. What hurts more is the fact that I'm still here trying to fix what I never broke. I always thought my first husband would be only husband. I forgive you Matt but I will never forget. These last few weeks have been great but I still have the papers. You aren't all the way out of the clear"
"I'm just happy to have a chance. At any given moment you could leave me. I'd give you everything. The house. The cars. The money. It'll all be yours but I don't want you to leave me ever." He stopped and kissed me. "I'm willing to work and fix this all. I promise."
"Ok. Time to get dinner ready. Could you wake up Ellis from his nap? Lord knows i don't want to be up all night trying to get him to sleep"
"Sure no problem" he looked me one more time in the eyes. "I got this. I got us"
He said squeezing my thighs and helping me down.

"It's so nice for them to invite us to dinner babe" Jill said as we drove over to the house.
"It is. We need a couples night"
"So can she cook?" She asked.
"Yes she can. She's an excellent cook. Reminds me of how my granny used to cook"
"Oh that's cool. A stay at home mom should cook well to pull her weight" she said.
"Um yeah I guess"
"So baby you want a boy or girl?" She rubbed her stomach.
"Either. I'm just happy we are finally having a baby. I'm only wishing for a healthy baby" I said turning the corner to the block.
"Wow this neighborhood is beautiful" she said in awe. I pulled up to the house got out and helped Jill out the car. I knocked twice and Matt answered with E in his arms.
"Hello. Come in" He said stepping aside. E reached out for me but Matt turned around before i could grab him.
"Da da" e called out.
"I'm here man what's wrong?" Matt asked him but E reached for me again. This time I got hold of him. He was full of smiles and giggles.
"Hey guys. Glad you made it" Y/N walked in and greeted us.
"Hey girl. How are you?" Jill asked her.
"I'm great now how are you? I heard you're pregnant. Congratulations" Y/N said hugging her. She's so caring. No matter how much fake crap Jill spat out Y/N kept it genuine.
"Thank you! I'm good. Maybe we can talk about what to expect." Jill said smiling.
"Sure" y/n said walking back to the kitchen and Jill followed her.
After about a half hour everything was done and we were sitting down to eat. I watched around the table and it was an awkward silence until E started crying. Y/N picked him up and put him on her chest to feed him.
"Girl you can't just be popping a boob out like that" Jill said covering my eyes.
"He has to eat the same way we eat. Might as well kill two birds with on stone. Right? Do you plan on breast feeding?" Y/N asked.
"I didn't really think about it. Maybe" Jill answered still with her hand over my eyes.
"It's Nothing he hasn't already seen" she told her.
"You've breast fed in front of my husband?" Jill asked taking her hand down.
"Well he was here for a week how else you think I was feeding my baby? It's nature nothing sexual" y/n said continuing to feed E. "I don't care where i am. If my baby is hungry I will feed him. Simple as that. You'll find out sooner or later sis"
"Don't call me sis" Jill said.
"Whatever you say.....sis"she struck back and i had to hold back my laugh.
"Anyway keith what do you do for work?" Matt asked me.
"I'm a model and a photographer"
"A model? Pretty boy shit" he said laughing.
"Got pretty boy money too"
"Da" Ellis said once he was finished and burped. Matt went to pick him up but he had a fit. He reached for me again. He didn't say anything but he was watching the whole time. When we were done eating I helped Y/N with the dishes.
"You're going to hear about that later"
"Ugh i know. Oh well he's a baby. He don't know" she said passing me a dish to dry.
"Well make sure i get a play by play"
"Hush up and just dry the damn dishes" she said laughing and splashing me.

"I think your wife is sleeping with my husband" Jill said.
"What makes you think this?"
"Listen to them laugh in there. Then your son calls him dada. Matt open your eyes." She said making me think.
"I don't think so. But you're his wife and you're pregnant by me but passing it off as his so what's worse? Y/N isn't the type to cheat. I know they aren't sleeping together"
"They might not be but they want to. This could all work out for us. We accuse them then  we can be together baby" she said.
"No I don't want to be with you. I love my wife"
"You Love me too. Like I love you." She said trying to touch me.
"Stop that."
"Dishes are done. You ready to go baby?" Keith said walking in.
"Yes baby I'm ready. Bye guys. Dinner was lovely. We should host next time" Jill said getting up.
"Heard you couldn't cook so no we shouldn't." Y/N said making me and Keith laugh a little.
"Okay. See you two later" Keith said walking out the door.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" She said.
"Why does Ellis call him dada and reach for him? I didn't even know he could talk"
"Matt I don't know. Keith is a good guy. Babies are an excellent judge of character. He just knows Keith is alright" she answered.
"Oh ok" was all I could say. "One more question"
"Yes" she said.
"During that week did you guys do anything?"
"Yes we went out had some family fun. We cooked. Shopped." She said.
"Anything else?"
"What are you really asking?" She asked.
"Nothing baby"
"Are you asking me did me and Keith have sex?" She asked.
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are." She said getting up. "I may be a lot of things but I'm no cheater. If I wanted to cheat I would just leave. Simple as that. They always say when people accuse you of anything they are normally the ones doing it. See Matt you know how to ruin good moments. Sleep on the couch tonight"
"But baby I"
"No I don't feel like arguing or fighting. Let me say this though when the opportunity presented itself I could've took it. We both could've took it but we didn't even cross that line or even think about it why ? Because we love our spouses. Next time you try to accuse me of anything ask yourself are you doing what you're accusing me of" she said storming off up the stairs. I hit the wall because now I feel stupid. Why did I even have to question her? Jill has gotten deep into my head and I let her.

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