Chapter 27

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"Niall Horan back together with Jony Edwards AGAIN? But except this time they're ENGAGED!"

Jony POV:

Me and Niall were watching the news together while everyone else was out.

well we've been engaged for a couple weeks now and the whole world knows. I'm so excited. I want to get married instantly!

The boys love being uncles to little Jai.
Zayn and Perrie love being parents aswell. The adopted little Kayleigh. She's only a few months old but she's so adorable.


Niall's phone went off. He got up and answered it.

Niall POV:

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello Niall, Its been quite a long time since we've last talked..." The voice said. It was super creepy.

"Uhh who is this?" I stuttered...this voice is starting to scare me...

"You don't remember me? You don't remember when you got me in jail and made me lose my job!!" The voice started yelling.

I started to

"Aliza?" I whispered.

"Thats right.." She said.

"What the hell? Why are you calling me?" I said anxiously.

"...revenge..." was all she said then she hung up.

.....oh no.

"Who was that?" Jony asked.

"Uh Simon." I said.

"Oh.. okay." She smiled.


I don't want Jony in this. I mean she just had Jai and she doesn't need anymore pressure than she already has. So best I just tell the boys.

"Hey babe, I have to go to a meeting..I'll see you later." i said trying to stay calm, then kissed her on the cheek and left.


"Wait! Niall, slow down...What happened?" Liam said trying to calm me down.

"Aliza....she's back.." I whispered.

"WHAT?!" Harry shout whispered.

"Yeah she called me saying she wants 'revenge'"

"But why did she only call you?" Zayn asked.

I shrugged.

"Well why don't we call the police?" Louis asked.

"She said if we do, she'll get Jony and Jai.." I said with a slight tear in my eyes.

"Don't worry mate, we'll get through this." Liam said patting my back.

I hope.


Ello x

Well its been a while! I've started a new school and I've really been focusing my singing and music and stuff this year and I've performed at heaps of places. I've also been really lazy but I promise!! I will finish this book!! And I will update! Well I hope you like this chapter sorry that its short!:/
Love yous xx

xx H xx

I fell for the one I bullied {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now