Chapter 17

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Niall POV:

*3 weeks later*

Well ever since 'that night' That I had with Jony we've been a couple.
I'm really loving it!
Jony such a lovely girl....Ugh I think I love her....but thats a good thing!
We told the lads and they're cool with it.
I hope everything stays like this for a while because like I said, I'm loving it!

"Now Niall Horan and his girlfriend Jony Edwards have been proven to be broken up, but turns out Niall was caught driving to Jony's house at 3am! Does this mean Jiall is back together?"

Me and Jony were cuddling on the couch watching E news and all they were talking was us. We kept laughing at them because they should get their facts right before they show it on national television!
We heard a knock at the door.
Jony untangled herself from my arms and got up and answered it.

"Oh hey guys! Come in!"

I got up to see who was at the door. I saw Louis and Liam.

"Whats up!!" Louis said cheekily.

"Nothin'" I smiled.

"So how are the lovebirds?" Liam asked siting down.

"Good." I smirked.

Jony walked over to me and wrapped my arms around her once more.
I gently kissed her forehead.

She looked up to me and smiled as she kissed my nose.

"My. Gawd!" Louis said over-dramatically shocked.

"You guys are actually in love!" Liam said raising an eyebrow.

"YUP!" Jony said popping the 'P'

They just sat there with the same reactions.

We just chuckled at their reactions.

"Anyways we are just here to tell you that Simon needs us tomorrow morning." Louis said trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh okay." I said and smiled.


I struggled to open my heavy eyelids.
I looked around me. Jony was wrapped in my arms.
A small smile spread across my face.

I looked at the time.


I shot up accidentally waking up Jony.

"Niall?" She groaned.

"Sorry hun, I'm late for my meeting! I'll cook you lunch after!" I rushed as I kissed her forehead.

I ran to the bedroom and put some new clothes on. And being the guy I am and not even bothering to shower I sprayed extra cologne on.
I ran out the door but Jony stopped me.

"Forgetting something?" She giggled holding the keys to my truck in her hands.

"Thank you! I'll see you later!" I said as I grabbed the keys off her and pecked her on the lips.

I ran to my car and sped across the motorway to Simon's office.

I took the elevator up to Simon's office and I saw it was 10:58am. I have 2 minutes!

I stumbled into the room to see the other boys chatting.

"There you are!" Louis shouted, pointing at me like a little kid.

"lucky for you Simon isn't here yet!" Liam said sternly.

"Sorry..." I mumbled taking a seat next to Zayn.

"Did Jony distract you?" Harry smirked.

I nodded with a grin.

"Boys! Great! We're all here!" Simon cleared his throat getting our attention.
He took a seat at the end of the table with us lads on the sides.

"Now, first thing's first. Since you just got off your world tour, interviewers and journalist all around the world want to interview you! So you will be heading to the U.S.A, Australia, different parts off the U.K, New Zealand, on and so forth." He said resting his elbows on the glass table.

"Questions?" He asked.

I raised my hand.

"Umm how long will we be gone and when will we leave?" I asked.

"You'll be gone for 1-2 months and you'll be leaving in 3 weeks." He smiled.

Leaving Jony for 2 months? Oh crap! I've never had a long distant relationship...


After the long and boring meeting we could go.

"Niall." Simon stopped me.

"Please don't be late next time! And take a shower!" He said waving his hand over his nose as if I smelt like a hobo.

I heard Zayn say 'oh burn' in the back which made me laugh.

"hey Nialler wanna come for a few drinks?" Harry asked.

"Oh umm...I promised Jony I'd make her lunch." I smiled.

"Naww you're such a romantic!" Louis cooed while pinching my cheeks.

"And you should probably break the news to her as well!" Zayn suggested.

I nodded.

"Bye lads! Have fun!" I waved goodbye as they waved back walking in the other direction.

I got in my car and drove off.

How am I suppose to tell her? She'll understand! She knows what its like!

I drove up the driveway and I walked in the house.

"Jony? Babe? I'm home!" I called out.

"Hey!" She shouted from the living room.

"Hello." I smiled as I kissed the top of her head.

"I have news." I said sitting down.

She faced me with a smile.

"I'm leaving in 3 weeks for a few more performances around the world. And I'll be gone for 3 months." I said.

She frowned a little bit.

"Oh..." She mumbled looking down at her lap.

"Don't be sad, I'll be back before you know it." I said pulling her into a hug.

"Its not that...its just...uhh...never mind." She said.

"No, tell me." I said.

"Its nothing, I'm just going to miss you." She looked up at me.

"I'll miss you too." I kissed her on the lips gently.

Jony POV:

ugh! asdfghjkl; !!!!!

Niall is leaving!!!???? Why now?! Why not next year?! or the year after that or better yet NEVER!
But Its his job and I have to respect that.

But I'm gonna miss him.

In two months a small baby bump will be showing on me.... and I'm gonna go through hell without him here!



please help me get 60 more reads so this book can get 1k!!


xx H xx

I fell for the one I bullied {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now