Chapter 2

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"I love it." Zayn said with a smile.

I was relieved.

All the boys nodded in agreement.

I seriously can't get my finger on it! WHERE DO I KNOW NIALL FROM?!

I know he's in One Direction! DUH!

But it seems I know him personally.

Did we bump into each other on the street? Nahh..

Maybe we went to school together?... WAIT! THATS IT! We went to school together!

Wow he's waaayyy more hotter now!

Back then he was always that geeky guy that I would never talk to.

I think he liked one of my friends...

"So start recording tomorrow?" Harry suggested.

We all nodded then left.

I kinda wanted to say hi to Niall but he left. Oh well.

Niall POV:

When me and the boys got back to our apartment Harry kept rabbiting on about how cute Jony is.

I mean sure, she's cute, pretty, talented but out of all of us I think I would know her more.

When we went to middle school we were best friends, but I really liked her.

When high school came along she gained more popularity and she kinda abandoned me.


"Jony...will you go out with me?" My heart was beating fast, what was going to happen? "Um NO!" She walked off giggling with her popular friends leaving me heart broken


Everyday she and her friends and boyfriend would bully me which lowered my self-esteem and I struggled to make friends so I was friendless.

But funny enough when I was on X-Factor everyone started liking me but I wasn't interested in their praise.

And the rest they say is history.

But now I forgotten about all those idiots that bullied me because I'm in a band with my four best mates, touring the world and doing what I love.

Even now if I have to work with Jony I'm not going to let that slow me down because now I'm a better person and hopefully she is too. But until she proves she does I'm just going to avoid her or pretend I don't know her.

"Isn't Jony amazing?" Harry said staring at the ceiling while lying on his bed.

"Yeah, She's so gorgeous." Liam chuckled at Harry's daydream.

"What do you think Neil?" Louis asked.

I don't know why but ever since the Take Me Home tour Louis has been calling me Neil for some weird reason.

"Eh, she's okay." I said looking at my phone screen.

"Okay!? All you say is okay?! Are you kidding me?" Harry said overly dramatic.

"Well I just don't like her face the way you do Harold." I said.

"Well whatever! All I'm saying is I like her!" He said then fell asleep.

Me and the boys have a tradition. The first lad to fall asleep gets whipped cream on their face unless we're all too tired to do it.

Thats why sometimes we're late for stuff because we're really tired.

Louis got the whipped cream out of the fridge and handed it to Zayn.

We couldn't help but crack up, but we stayed as silent as we could.

Zayn trailed a beard and a moustache. As if Harry will ever grow one of those.

I tweeted a pic.

'Look who fell asleep early...'

My notifications started blowing up so I logged out.

After we all started cracking up at Harry's delicious facial hair we all went to sleep.

~The Next Day~

Next morning we were 10 minutes late because obviously me and the boys have been up all night. (See what I did there?)

"Boys. We have news. The other songs that we have prepared for you have leaked so now we have to write more songs." Terry, Jony's boss said.

"But we're going on tour soon." Liam stated.

"I know, thats why Jony and a couple of other professionals are going to tour with you. So for your next album they'll be ready."

Seriously?! I was hoping after a couple of songs she would be out of my life!


We all nodded except me but no one paid attention.

We got straight into the studio and started learning the song Jony wrote us. Even though I sorta dislike Jony, I have to admit she's really good at songwriting.

One of the songs are called Back When.

And its about loving a girl thats been away and your reminding her about your love you had and stuff like that.

It wasn't that hard to learn. And I'm very happy with my solo.

We started recording and it was going very well.

Jony seemed to like it.

After recording we felt really happy about we recorded.

Afterwards Jony came up to me.

"Hey Niall." She grinned.

"Hey uhh.. Jony..right?" I said trying to keep my cool.

"Uh...yeah. Um I just wanted to say hey because we haven't properly introduced each other." She smirked.

I just nodded.

"Well umm see ya later." She said then awkwardly walked away.

Yup. This is gonna be interesting.





xx H xx

I fell for the one I bullied {Niall Horan}Where stories live. Discover now