Horrible Events and Big Mistakes

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CH: 7 ' Horrible Events and Big Mistakes

 Hoodie's POV

I was running throw the forest trying to escape the police from killing 13 people. I got away easily. Something was telling me to stop and look around and I did. By one of the large trees I saw Howly's body just lying there. As I got closer I could smell blood not just any blood, wolf blood. I rushed over to her to see her body covered in blood. She was still alive but she wasnt awake. Nor was she sleep. I picked her up bridal style and walked towards the manson. One thing I did notice was that she had human ears and her tail was gone. I was more than furious. Yes, I liked her since the first day she came. I open the door and slammed it shut. Everyone gasped when they saw the state Howly was in.

" What happen." Cookie and Tabby said as they came towards me but Masky and Toby stopped them.

" You wouldn't want to go near him when he's angry" I heard Toby whisper as I walked up the stairs. I take her to the the nurse " Thank you, but I need you to leave so I could  take care of injures." She says after I sit Howly on the bed. I nod and give Howly one last glance before walking out. I change my clothes because I had blood on them. 

After changing I walk down stairs to see Tabby and Cookie crying on the couch.

Tabby looks up at me with teary eyes. " W-What happened Hoodie?" She asked sniffling and Cookie looks up and holds her arm.

" I don't know, I just found her like that. Who ever did that to her I'm going to kill them with my bare hands!" I scream and throw the lamp on the end table at the wall. Cookie and Tabby flinch and Toby and Maskey grabs them. I feel bad for scaring them so I walk out onto the patheo to think.

After a couple of minutes of thinking I hear the patheo doors open. I look back to see Masky walk out. " Hey bro, Cookie and Tabby are fine now so you don't have to feel bad for scaring them. I talked to Tabby and asked her if Howly had any one who would want to hearm her and she told me that she had some beaf with her old pack. They've been after her because she murdered the Apha of the pack which was her former mate and the girl beta which was her sister."He sums sitting down next to me. They must have done this.

" I'm not saying they did this, but it is good to assume at times like this, ya know." He continues. I glance over at him and nod.

" When s-she wakes up I-I'll ask her about it." I reply,. He nods.

" Now lets go, you have to figure out your problems with this whole liking Howly and going beast mode and shit. Toby and I are going to take Cookie and Tabby out for icecream. We'll be back in a couple of hours. I need to get Tabby's mind off of the whole fucked up situation." He exclaims as we walk inside the house.

He goes over to Tabby and grabs her hand. Her eyes are still puffy from crying but she blushes anyway and they walk out of the house followed by Toby and Cookie. I walk up stairs.

" Umgh, Sir Hoodie, She's awake." The nurse tells me when I get to the top of the stairs.

Well hell that was faster than I thought.

Masky's POV

We all start to walk to the ice cream shop. With all the stuff that has gone on, I thought Tabby and Cookie needed to get out of the house and when Howly wakes up, Her and Hoodie needs some time to talk. 

" LOOK, BUTTERFLIES!!" Tabby suddenly screams and runs over to the field feeled with butterflys. She holds out her hand and a butterfly lands on it and she giggles softly. She is absalutly Beatiful. Her light brown hair was blowing in the wind, the sun was kissing her light caremal skin and she had a big white smile plastered on her f-

" Your staring, Bro." Toby interupts my thoughts. I look over at him and smile sheepishly. I look over to see Cookie playing with Tabby.

" You haven't told her how you feel?" I shake my head no.

" Your such a nerd." He says laughing. 

" Shut up, you haven't told Cookie how you feel so don't judge me. Plus I'm waiting for the right time to tell her. There's always some shit going on ya know. Or what if she doesn't feel the same way." I ramble. 

Toby puts a hand on my shoulder and says " There's never a right time to tell her how you feel. You just go with flow, man go with the flow. I'm planning on telling Cookie tonight and if she doesn't feel the same way, I'll show her I'm wearth the time." Then he walks over to Cookie.

" Maskey, look isn't it just beautiful?" Tabby say walking up to me with a blue butterfly in her hand. I look her right in her big brown eyes and say " Yeah, the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." She notices me staring at her and blushes. The butterfly flaps away.

"Let's go guys!" Cookie yells fom up a head. I grab Tabby's small hand as we start to walk.

I think I'm going to tell her how I feel tonight.

Hoodie's POV

" Why can't you just tell me who did this to you?" I whisper holding onto Howlys hand.

" I'm sorry Hoodie, but I can't."She replys softly.

It's been a hour since Howly awoke and she has been giving me a hard time by not telling me who tried to kill her. I let her hand go and stand up. 

" Okay." I say before walking towards the door.

" Hoodie wait." She calls. I look back to see her with teary eye. " I'm sorry I can't tell you. Please don't leave me." She sobbs. I walk back to her and give her a peck on the lips. She looks at me surprised. Hell I even surprised myself. Where did that bravery come from.

" W-What was that?" She asked with a small smile. I might as well tell her.

" H-Howly I-I l-l-like you alot. I-I have since I met you." I stutter.

" You don't have to be scared Hoodie, I like you too." She says with a big smile. She grabs my face lifts up my mask and gave me a full blown kiss.

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