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CH: 2 ' Howly

I was on my way to the pack house to see my mate, Geird. He was the alpha of the Blackstar pack. I was the soon to be luna.

I got to the pack house and ran up to our room looking for Geird. I got to the the room and heard noises comimg from inside. I slowly and cautiously opened the door. " She won't find out, trust me." I heard a femanine voice said. I opened the door all the way and gasp.

I saw my sister, Mori and Geird sitting on the bed half naked. Mori on top of Geird tugging at his tie.

"What  the hell is going on?!" I screech walking over to them. Mori hopes of Geird with a smirk on her face. Geird just sits there staring at me with pity.

"Oh dear sister, I think you know whats  going on. Geird and I are in love." Mori replys in a mischevious tone.

"It's true Holly, she is right." Geird says getting up from the bed and hugging Mori.

I snapped. I couldn't take it. I lost it. All I could see was red. THEIR GOING TO PAY.

I started crying. "I-I I thought you l-lloved me, you basterd!" I scream at Geird. I run over to the dresser and grab my silver sword tracing my fingers along it. They burned but I didnt care, then lick the blood off my fingers. I turn to see Mori and Geird backing away panicked. I creep toward them chuckling evily. I slice Geirds head off and Mori screams holding her face in her hands I walk over to her smirking.

"W-W-WWhat have yo-you done, Holly!?" She whimper backing away. I grab her arm still smirking.

"Oh dear sister, I think you know what I have done." I mock. She tries to pull away but I tightened my hold. She whimpers and my smirk grows.

"I killed pracious, sweet, Geird and now; I'm going to kill you." I say before slicing her to bits.

I head towards the door trying to get away before the pack members came.

But when I open it a man with a tophat, A black jacket with poca dots, and holding a wond is standing there. "Well hello Howly, can I call you that, nevermind, Im Splender Man. Would you like to come with me?" I nod my head smiling and we teleport away.

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