Meeting The Family

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CH: 4 ' Meeting The Family

Tabby POV

It's been three month sense I met Howly and Cookie. We all also agreed to  become Splendy's proxy. Now we were just sitting on the couch bored as ever. Then I had an idea.

" How about we ask Splendy to take us to meet the rest of the family?" I said.

" Yeah!!!" they said in sync.

We all get up and go to his office. Cookie knocks on the door twice.

"Yes, come in."Splendy response. We walk in and he smiles.

"Ah, girls what do you want."He aske bluntly.

"Um, we were wondering if we could meet the rest of the family?"Howly ask. He stares at us for  awhile thinking. A smile statches on his face.

"If you want to, Im sure their ready to meat you. How about tomorrow?" He ask cheerily. We all nod our heads quickly.

"Okay well I have work to do, you girls should get ready for bed." We nod again and head to bed smiling. 

~~~~~~~THE NEXT MORNING~~~~~~~

We wake up early take showers, and get dressed.

We all want to look nice for today because we're going to meet the family. I glance in the mirror at my outfit. Im wearing a blue crop top, a blue mini skirt, white stapy flip flops with my honey blond hair in a messy bun and my glasses on.

Cookie is wearing; a purple tank top with a  leather black crop jacket over it, black skinny jeans, white nike's, with her brown hair in a ponytail and black raybans.

Howly is wearing a red shorts, a white crop top, and red heels with her white hair down in a tight bun. 

We hear Splendy shout..

"Girls, are you ready?" 

" Yes!"We all shout in sync and run down stair quickly. We all lounge at him and hug him. He chuckles and teleports in front of a large mansion. We walk up to the door and ring the bell. A couple seconds later a faceless man answers the door. 

" Ah, Hello brother," he shook Splendy's hand and look at us." I'm Slenderman and who might you be?"

" I'm Tabby and these are my partners , Cookie and Howly." I answered.

" Oh, you all must be Splendorman's Proxy, I have Proxys myself" he said.

" Really, what are their names?" Cookie and Howly asked.

" No need. Come in and meet them, there all here." He said smiling and openingmthe door more for us.

We step in and glance aound the small den.

"Follow me girls."Slenderman says. We follow him into a big cozy living room. There were people sitting on the couch. Two playing a game, Some arguing and one eating cheese cake.

"Could everyone listen up, please." Slenderman says softly.

Everyone just ignored him ans kept doing what they were doing. I could tell he was getting angry by the way his hands shook. I heard noices like ..... STATIC.

" I SAID LISTEN UP, YOU DELINQUEDS!! DO YOU NOT HEAR ME!" He yells. Everyone's head whipped over and they starred shocked.

" Thank you. Now as I was saying, we have guests. There names are Tabby, Howly, and Cookie." He said pointing to us.

" I'm BEN" A boy with a link costume on said.

" I'm Jeff" said boy with a scare on his face that makes him look like he's smiling.

"  I'm Masky and this is Hoodie and Ticci Toby" a boy with a yellow hoody and a white feline like mask on said. He pointed to a boy wearing a orange hoodie with a black ski mask and a boy wearing gray hoodie with yellow goggles and a gard over his mouth. They waved.

" Oh, and thats Jane" Masky added. The name sounded familiar so I glanced over at this 'Jane' person.

I gasp. It was her.

~~~~~Flash Back~~~~~

I was on my way to chemistry class, when I was stopped by a hand around my wrist. I turned to see Queen bitch. Janell.

Janell had been my sworne enemy since 6th grade when she told Tommy Growell, the cutest ( Aka my first crush)boy in 8th grade that I still wet the bed. Which I did'nt. He never talked to me again.

" Well, if it isn't Tabica the bed wetter." She mocked in her light evil british tone.

" Shut up, you ugly bitch barbie!" I yelled snatching my arm away and giving her a digusted look.

" I can't believe you touched me, you- you STD rag!!" I add looking at my arm like I just got infacted by something. Everyone in the hall starts to laugh. Janells pale face starts to turn red." Just leave me alone Janell." I say but her voice halts me.

" You pathetic little bitch. Your just mad because I get attention. No one likes you because of your pathetic family. Where's your mom Tabica? Oh thats right you don't have one. Your jusy a ugly bitch, who can't find anyone who'll like you.You will pay for this whore." She screams before turning around and walking out of the school. I fall on the floor crying.

She was terriby right.

~~~~End Flashback~~~~

We glare at eachother.

" YOU WHORE!!!!!!!!" She yells before throwing a dagger at my head. I easily catch and throw it back .

She dodges and charges after me. But I'm way to fast.

I round house her before she gets close and she flys back hitting the wall.

I was about to run to her and slice her throut out but two strong arms came around my waist.

I turn my head to see Masky pulling me back.

" NO, I'M GOING TO RIP THAT THING APART!" I scream struggling to get out of his arms.

" Tabby; you have to calm down. Okay?" He sooths. I nod breathing slowly.

He let's me go. I fix my clothes, glance at everyone. They are starring at me with open mouths and wide eyes. I give a little nod and  turn around and walk outside to get some air. I also need a good ugly cry. 

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