20 Questions

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CH: 6 ' 20 Questions

Tabby POV

Its been 3 weeks sinse what happen with ' The Creppo'. We forgave him but we would never forget. His actually kind cool. He would try something every once and awhile but Splendy will always be there to keep him in check. I walked down the stairs and into thhe living room where everyone but Slender, Splender, and Offender. They where out on a killing/raping spree.

" Hi everyone" I said.

" Hey" they said. BEN paused his game.

" Okay! Now that your here we can play 20 Questions" he said.

" ok" I said as I sat in the spot in between Masky and Cookie. BEN smirked at me and I sent him a questioning look. His eyes traveled to Masky. My cheeks started to burn. 

"NO!" I said. 

He laughed " Now I know its true"

" What?" Everyone said looking at us.

" Nothing" we said.

They looked at us for awhile than Jeff spoke up " What is your weapon of choice?"

" A knife" Cookie says.

" A machatie" I answers.

" my teeth and claws" Howly says.

" This is a question for Howly, can I see your fangs and claws?" Eyeless Jack asked.

Howly POV

I bared my teeth and claws.

" They dont look that sha-" E.J said.

I let my K9's grow an 3 inches long while my claws grow 4.

" It would be scary going against you" He said poking the adge of my tooth which causes him to bleed.

" Ok, what is your favorite snack?" Masky asked

" cupcakes" Tabby said.

" chessecake" I said.

" Chessecake BUDDIES" Masky and Hoodie yelled. I giggled.

" Cookies Duh" Cookie said.

" Now, what your fav game?" BEN asked.

" Grand Theft Auto 5" Cookie said.

" F.E.A.R. 3 OR Left for Dead with mods" I said.

" Call of Duty Black Ops 2" Tabby said.

~~ how much time past after the rest of the questions ~~

I was sitting on a chair eating chessecake with Masky and Hoodie. Tabby was trying to beat BEN's highscore and Cookie was out buying cookies as usual. I got another slice and of chessecake and sat down in my seat. Something bit my tail. I let out a small scream, jump out of the seat causing me to drop my chessecake. I held my tail which was covered in dog slabber and turn around to see the one who was behind this. It was SMILE DOG!!

" B-DOG!" I yelled as i launch him in a hug.

" Few,  it look like you were about tear me apart" he sighed in relief.

I looked down at my cheesecake." MAH CHEESECAKE" I fell on my knees and started to fake cry causing people to laugh.

" Alright. Well Im headin to bed." I said as I walked up stairs.

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