Chapter 7

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"So we are going to Alaska?" Darren asks as he sits on the back of my motorcycle.


"And how do you think your dad is going to take your return?"

"I'll just tell him I didn't kill Scarlette."

"Yeah, because that's worked for every other innocent fugitives. And didn't that one wolf threaten to call the military?"

"Haven't heard from the military in forever. They probably gave-"

"Look out!" Darren yells as I get winged in the side of the head by a bullet.

"Fuck!" I snarl, serving sideways.

I fight to gain control of the bike but it hits the ground as I skid with it, arms and legs getting ripped and torn with road rash.

"Ouch." I growl, peeling myself off the tar and picking a few rock out of my arms, which look like ground hamburger.

"Move out men!" A voice calls from the trees as I reach for my pistol.

I wait for the soldiers to reach the road before shooting at the lead man, followed by the next, and roll into the ditch on the other side of the road.

'Get to the trees!' Red yells at me.

'I know!' I growl back, running into the woods as another bullet goes through my knee.


'Get into the tree!'

'What about Darren?!'

'He's using his powers to conceal himself, worry about yourself right now.'

I nod as I slowly pull myself up the nearest tree and rest on a branch about forty feet up.

'Let me help you with your injuries.' Red tells me as I feel the warm sensation of him taking over.

He waves my hand over my knee and the wound begins closing up. He does the same to my road rash and the side of my head.

'How come you can't do that when I'm in control?'

'It's hard to explain. I'll tell you some other time okay?'

'Fine.' I say as I take control again.

I grab my knife and get ready to attack as the troop comes under my tree. I drop down, taking out three men before launching myself at another. Bullets scatter as the humans try desperately to get their sights on me. I move quickly, taking out the rest of the small troop in a matter of seconds.

I turn as I hear the thundering of at least a hundred soldiers ruining after their fallen comrades. I look around, trying to find a weapon besides my knife.

'I think it's better if you run for this fight.' Red tells me as I pull an assault rifle off the ground.

"I'd rather not. I'm sure I can take em."

I look through the trees and catch sight of the heavily armed soldiers running towards me and suddenly change my mind.

"You're right. I should probably go."

'You there Darren?' I call in my head.

'Yeah, a mile down the road. Where the hell are you?!'

'Gimme a minute. I'm on my way.'

I was about to shift before I got the familiar scent of the rouge wolves. I look around before shifting and beginning to walk alongside the road.

"Going somewhere?"

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