Chapter 2

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My eyes slowly opened to a bright light above my head, the slow murmur of people in the room had my head feel like a 2 ton boulder was pressing against it. My body lay stiff against a cold metal table, slowly I had my dumb fingers move a fraction. A soft white tarp was placed ontop of my naked body, the edge going past my feet but reached above my chest. My senses slowly coming back to me, and heard my wolf starting to stir. A warm sensation started from my heart than slowly dispersed into smaller chunks, like a trunk of a tree and growing out to the twigs on the branches.

The warmth reached toward my forehead and immediately my mind stirred in a reckless storm, than it reached my fingers and toes; they moved a little bit more. When my whole body was covered in the warmth, I didn't realize till now that my heart started beating in a slow pace. Almost as if I stopped breathing, I gasped as my eyes flew open; my whole body jerking upward like an electric shock.

People in lab coats yelled in shock, "Oh my god she's alive!"

"She wasn't a few moments ago!"

What the hell were they talking about? I couldn't wrap my head around it, it was too early in the morning anyway so I didn't know if I was just hearing things. I heard the doctors' footsteps hesitantly walk towards me with caution, my head raced too much. My body jerked upward, and I sat up, my jaw quivering and my hands shaking; I brought them up to my temples and rocked back and forth.

"What the hell is going on?" Spoke another doctor.

"I don't know but we need to report this back to Alpha Seth."

Suddenly a burst of energy surged through my body and my arms spread out. The doctors' caught on fire and I slowly went to the edge of the bed, my head too fatigued and slow to comprehend what was happening. I hopped off and clutched the white tarp around me tighter, my breathe ragged and exhausted. I ran out of the room, stumbling over my feet countless times, breathing hard the sprinklers went on. There was footsteps running down the hallway, thinking fast I hid behind a corner as they ran past.

Why am I here, where am I? Soon the alarm blared, I wanted to cover my sensitive ears from the horrible noise. Covering myself more, I didn't have enough energy to run anymore. My heart ached in my chest, and every single muscle in my body was groaning in pain. What the hell is happening to me? Unconsciously my hand reached up to my heart, hoping to ease up the pain.

My eyes started to blur out while my world was turning topsy- turvy. A row of soldiers suddenly stopped in their tracks as they ran toward me, the leader in front stared at me strange.

I reached a weak hand out, I tried to speak but my throat was so dry, and it pained to talk. "Help.. Me.. Please.."

Falling to one knee, the soldiers seemed hesitant, suddenly there fast movement scared me as they glided over, my breathe hitched up in my throat. Am I hyperventilating?

The leader knelled by my face, "Calm down, we won't hurt you. It was under Max's orders."

"Sir, you can't speak that name to her, she turns evil when you do." One of the soldiers whispered to their commanding officer, everyone seemed tense on what I was going to do next.

"Who's Max?" Looking up to the leaders eyes, seeing my own fright and frailness in his eyes.

Another surge of power escaped through my eyes than the leader collapsed to the ground, two holes through his eyes that exited through the back of his eyes. I screamed as he lay limp on the ground, two soldiers grabbed each of my arms, as if I was strong enough to break even one of they're grasps.

"What the hell happened to him?!" My screams still echoing through the hallway.

My fright intensified and the two soldiers fell to the ground in flames, withering in anguish. My horrid shrieks growing louder, as tears fell down my eyes. Suddenly a unmistakable agony recoiled down my spine, my screams dieing into a roar. I look down and found white paws, I screamed again and ran down the hallway; hoping to get away from the monster behind me. There was 2 crunches and I knew the monster stepped on the 2 other soldiers.

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