Chapter 5

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"No." I feel my breath hitch.

The black wolf stares at me, tail twitching.

"Okay, let me introduce myself. My name is Willow Harris, I have two pups-Sammantha and Scarlette, my mate is Leon Harris, I was Alpha of the Nightshade, and I was murdered by my own Dad."

"Is this heaven?"

"No, heaven is down that trail. This is the gateway to heaven, or hell depending on what happens."

"How are you here then?!"

"I have always found the gates rather peaceful. That and it's not everyday that your daughter lands here."

"You can move back and forth?"

"Any being in heaven can. It's just that most of them like to stay in there. It can get a little hairy when the fresh ones scream about the one last thing they had to do. That and we get a lot of souls here who communicate with the dead because Hati wolves meet here. Which is why you are here isn't it?"

"Yeah.....I'm kinda helping out a friend."

"Oh honey, I know all about it. Dragons are rather deceitful-"

She looks at my face.

"Not that there is anything wrong with them."

"Thanks mo-"

"Willow?" A male voice calls.

Mom and I turn and see a wolf with a mix of brilliant reds, browns, and oranges in his coat. I was about to ask who he was until I saw the thick scar over his eye.

"Sammantha?" Dad asks as comes closer to me.

"It's been so long. How'd you die?"

"She's not dead Leon." Mom smiles, ramming him with her shoulder, "Your father has never been very intuitive about this stuff."

"I can't believe I'm seeing you two again. This is crazy."

"No, what's crazy is that scar on your face. Who gave it too you?"

I exchange glances with the both of them.

"Seth. He did it when me and him fought."

"That filthy mutt is fucking lucky I don't come back from the grave and rip him apart for what he's done." Dad snarls.

Mom gives him a daunting look.

"Which I would do if I didn't know you're going to do it yourself."

"Don't worry Dad, I'll get him."

"You are going to need Ben's help." Mom tells me.

"I can't. He's been tracking me. They think I killed Scarlette."

Mom looks at me sincerely before a smile spreads across her face.

"Oh hon. No one told you?"

"Told me what?"

"Scarlette's just fine."

"If you consider her situation fine." Dad scoffs, "I could just run down there and break a few skulls, starting with your father."

"What's her situation?" I ask.

"You do know where you are right?" Dad questions.


"You do know earth?"


"Okay. Those are two dimensions. Earth is in the middle of everything, but the opposite of the gates is the spirit plane. Only Skoll's children can meet there as far as I know. Just as only Hati's children can come here. Well, if they are alive anyway. But there are two other dimensions-for werewolves-and that's Pure and the Tainted come into play. Only Skoll's kids, the ones who have murdered, can enter. Just as only the pure hearted can enter Hati's realm, like you."

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